You are the perfect employee for Eisai. First gratitude is a two way street and it is difficult to be gracious to a company who does not value what we do on a day to day basis. Second “overpaid”…how do you figure? Who are you to say what someone is worth? I bet you think all pro athletes are overpaid. This is an open market, you are paid what the market stipulates. Sure in your utopian society school teachers would make millions and sales rep’s would make $25K a year. Also if you look at our jobs and paid us straight commission just like many other industrial business to business job $130K a year is far below the going commission rate of 7% to 10% of the sale price. Most of us have multi million dollar territories so even if you got paid 5% straight commission that would be $250K for a $5M territory. Drug companies are not losing money because of “overpaying” reps. What you think it takes the same aptitude to sell TV’s at Best Buy as it does to sell chemotherapy?
Good for you that you like it here but that is also all relative. I for instance have worked at a few great companies who treated their employees like the most important asset they had. You must have lived only in big pharma, micromanagement, primary care, and so this is just how you expect to be treated.