S&N buying ITI to build wound care???

I hope so! I have lost a few accounts to ITI. They have a solid product and the guys who started this company came from KCI. The simultaneous irrigation is pretty slick

This is exciting. A NPWT that we can sell. Anyone heard when?

Seriously? We have reps excited about a product they have never heard of? They already have reps so why retrain when they can cut us. Also have you seen their products? They suck, look them up. Probably the fifth to sixth best NPWT pump on market.

Seriously? We have reps excited about a product they have never heard of? They already have reps so why retrain when they can cut us. Also have you seen their products? They suck, look them up. Probably the fifth to sixth best NPWT pump on market.

Not sure we can talk shit about another company at this point. The guy who designed the kci vac is who works for ITI and designed the SVED

Seriously? We have reps excited about a product they have never heard of? They already have reps so why retrain when they can cut us. Also have you seen their products? They suck, look them up. Probably the fifth to sixth best NPWT pump on market.

You are a fool. Retrain? Do you think this space is that difficult? The ITI device has 5 buttons. Ta Dah!!!!! You are retrained! Hope this is true so you still have a job