Russian Police Investigate Novartis !

Once a Crook

Russian police search Novartis

MOSCOW, July 5 (Reuters) - Russian police on Tuesday searched the offices of four pharmaceutical companies in Moscow, including Swiss drug maker Novartis AG and Israel-based Teva .

The website of business daily Vedomosti quoted a police source as saying the searches were carried out as part of an investigation into an alleged carve-up of the market for supplying the state healthcare system with essential drugs by major distributors.

The government runs a system of subsidised purchases of drugs for low-income citizens. An investigation into the system showed that the bulk of state supply contracts worth over $2 billion went to six distribution firms in 2006-08.

A Novartis spokeswoman in Moscow confirmed the search took place and said the company was cooperating with the police.

Hello, this Danovich Vasellovich Sonofabitch, CEO, Chairman of the Board, HMFIC for Novartis RUSSIA. Ve ah cooperating von hundret percent mit der commies, I mean der authorities of Russia und ve vill haf dem in our pokets soon.

Tank yu,


Hello, this Danovich Vasellovich Sonofabitch, CEO, Chairman of the Board, HMFIC for Novartis RUSSIA. Ve ah cooperating von hundret percent mit der commies, I mean der authorities of Russia und ve vill haf dem in our pokets soon.

Tank yu,


This is so fucking funny that I could not stop laughing for a while. Well familiar with Russia of today and CCCR of yesterday I can tell you that if Novartis and those others are investigated by Russia then they are REALLY the utmost criminals, really bad even for the Russian corrupt state.
Yes Herr/comrad/superasshole Danovich Vassellovich Sonofbitch Assholovsky Cocksuckowsky
Motherfuckalowsky (his almost full name, maybe you know the rest) even the Russkys are after your ass. But if they find you or your soldiers guilty there it'll be against the wall treatment not only a fine paid for from corporate loot.
That is what you in USA and especially Canada shoud do with these major bastards toying with people's lives to enhance their "take".
WB#1 has sworn that in their jurisdiction they will get them just as the Russian X-comrades are doing.
So remember Herr ......insert the shithead's name, the gloves are off WORLDWIDE and we are after you big time.

This is so fucking funny that I could not stop laughing for a while. Well familiar with Russia of today and CCCR of yesterday I can tell you that if Novartis and those others are investigated by Russia then they are REALLY the utmost criminals, really bad even for the Russian corrupt state.
Yes Herr/comrad/superasshole Danovich Vassellovich Sonofbitch Assholovsky Cocksuckowsky
Motherfuckalowsky (his almost full name, maybe you know the rest) even the Russkys are after your ass. But if they find you or your soldiers guilty there it'll be against the wall treatment not only a fine paid for from corporate loot.
That is what you in USA and especially Canada shoud do with these major bastards toying with people's lives to enhance their "take".
WB#1 has sworn that in their jurisdiction they will get them just as the Russian X-comrades are doing.
So remember Herr ......insert the shithead's name, the gloves are off WORLDWIDE and we are after you big time.

Comrad, you mean "za rodinu." Da, ZA RODINU. Sometimes da motherland kan bee a mother f----r.

Danovich Vassellovich Sonofbitch

BTW, I vill be spending weekend at fvamous Russian resort at SONOVABEACH on Russian Black Sea. Ve vill be entertaining many Rusky Politicos vit much vodka und vaginas. Ve don haf to vine und dine der Rusky doktors as ve did in US of A. Yust da korruptable politicos. Da, dis ist rite.


Comrad, you mean "za rodinu." Da, ZA RODINU. Sometimes da motherland kan bee a mother f----r.

Danovich Vassellovich Sonofbitch

BTW, I vill be spending weekend at fvamous Russian resort at SONOVABEACH on Russian Black Sea. Ve vill be entertaining many Rusky Politicos vit much vodka und vaginas. Ve don haf to vine und dine der Rusky doktors as ve did in US of A. Yust da korruptable politicos. Da, dis ist rite.



I have it on good authority that Vasellovich is really a spy for Teva, and has been co-opted by SPECTRE to spill the beans or else do time in the Gulag. He has been interviewed by First Officer Rosa Klebb, and is mulling his decision.