Russell Rebalancing today


Russell Rebalancing takes place at the end of the day today. Expect volume across the boards to be insane. Very good chance Pernix gets dropped to lower tier (not guaranteed). If so, could be massive sell off and drop in stock price. Again, Russell does not have to move Pernix just yet. So lets hope for the best.

Just be careful if you own shares. Lots of companies never survive stock price wise once they get dropped in the Russell

LOL - if you haven't visited the Pernix (PTX) message board on StockTwits, you absolutely must. It is so funny listening to them get so excited about today's After Hours trading volume which is clearly attributed to the Russell Index rebalancing that occurred right before the closing bell today.

Their excitement is they all believe company is announcing a buyout this weekend and the excess volume has nothing to do with the rebalance mentioned in this thread.

Kick ass considering??? - if you consider stock price down 6 percent in one day only to be kick ass? V

PTX stock price dropped percent wise DOUBLE the Dow Jones Avg which dropped a whopping 3 percent. PTX dropped twice as much.

Typical Stock Twits member that shouldn't be allowed to invest

Hey idiot pharma and biotech were down 6% how much was IBB down 5% you know what IBB is right idiot, look at RDUS, INO CHRS are they bad too because they were down over 5%. You have no fucking clue.

Going to have to agree with the original thread poster and not the vulgar person cursing on the board. You sound like a young college immature kid that is just starting out investing in a penny stock.

No right minded investor would be happy when their stock crashed down over 6 percent. Especially a financially distressed stock.

Your emotional lack of control is not suited for investing.

You owe the original poster you insulted an apology

the original poster is a fucking idiot... is pernix a DOW component. Look at similar companies in the industry. How much did they go down fucking idiot. On tThursday pernix was up 7% how much was the DOW up on Thursday, fucking idiot?

This board used to be a place for sales reps who wanted to talk about managers, the woes of our job, and car allowances. This forum sucks now. It is safe to say we have been invaded and Pernix will not be around much longer :(. I'm going to miss my run with Pernix.

So this board used to be a place for losers like you to whine, bitch and complain about their jobs. Instead of being a pussy have the balls to call bullshit and start looking for a job. Losers that bitch and complain like you do not close sales.

My apology to the sales reps as the poster above is clearly an immature young adult very inexperienced in trading stocks. His anger stems from his fear and anxiety for making a very poor investment choice. And now trying to rationalize it.

You are correct that us investors need to leave this board as penny stocks attract a lot of young kids that do not know how to act under pressure (as you are witnessing with his abusive immature unprofessional posts).

Again, from all other investors/owners in Pernix, our apologizes for not being sensitive to your job situation.

My apology... hey loser it should be My apologies ducking idiot learn your grammar first. The issue here is the winning puss is that instead of doing their job whine, botch and blame others. Like you