Rumor on Chris & Tom hit the halls of BI



Team of 10 to write code and out of field for 2 days: $10,000
Airfare and hotel for Team to fly to dallas to create code: $10,000
Cost of Printing Code Banners: $10,000
Time wasted at POA, Managers meetings and conference calls: 2000 Hours

Fact that the Code is Dead 1 year after development and stil viewed as a god damn STAR:



Team of 10 to write code and out of field for 2 days: $10,000
Airfare and hotel for Team to fly to dallas to create code: $10,000
Cost of Printing Code Banners: $10,000
Time wasted at POA, Managers meetings and conference calls: 2000 Hours

Fact that the Code is Dead 1 year after development and stil viewed as a god damn STAR:


What was Karen's CODE?