Rub Claypole


What is the latest on this arrogant fellow? How did the VP of Marketing - responsible for all business plans and forecasts in 2010 - miss his plan by such a wide margin, and still get promoted?

In the Surgical Division, the performance is less important than perception and big talk. Rub C and a couple of his cronies (MR and SR) recently promoted are a great example of the new organizational vision.

Thank you Scott F for the “nimbler and more streamlined organization” that makes you happy, as you said at your latest town hall. With the messy Marketing and clueless PMO, good luck!

Rub makes know why the French tend to be rude.

this is the guy who led the U.S. Region 2011 marketing plan are we doing? COV market share is down, SILS has stalled...maybe runover by that bus, trocars still bleeding (what guru wrote that plan, get it? guru!), bariatric surgeons are wondering what happened to us ( averages 20 hits per month!), sales not happy with focus bucket (which Rub developed), still a major disconnect between marketing and Nat. Accts.,

Folks - Skip, Lori, and Dan were forced to implement the plans of Jerry, Rob, and Rub...don't blame them, by the time they came on board the stellar team that engineered the downfall of 2010 was well on there way to a repeat performance

This guy brags about an MBA from Cornell which was obviously worthless based on what he did during his time playing mini-me to Gershon. Hired more mindless MBA dorks in marketing with no concept of the business or the field. Does he still shop at baby-gap?

Rub claypoole was recruited by Pete (when is my non compete with JNJ up?) Valente - who bolted as soon as he could - credit him for clearly seeing what Scott Flora was all about.

Rub is a minion..... Nothing more... Most likely will get a promotion now.

Rub claypoole was recruited by Pete (when is my non compete with JNJ up?) Valente - who bolted as soon as he could - credit him for clearly seeing what Scott Flora was all about.

Rub is a minion..... Nothing more... Most likely will get a promotion now.

Agreed pete knew very well what a cluster scott was.