rst passed over for management job?

Someone told me he was better a blow jobs and swallowed everytime!
TO be a DM today, you must suck your RD's dick month's before promotion, and
also fuck the competition to get information to screw them over when your banging the RD.
RD's usually are nothing but high paid pimps, but the hire people who really can suck good dick. My suggestion is for her to suck her way to the top just like everyone who moves up.
As she is draining her RD of his man juice, she needs to rub it on her face and say if I don't get that promotion, I am going to shit in your coffee, and make you drink it in front of my peers.

Maybe it's because Whitwell is a whiny beeyatch that doesn't know his rectum from a hole in the ground. Besides, he's not qualified to make a decision on his own. Pete Peters pulls the strings on all the RDs in the northeast.

Shawn Peter?? That loser has been dead last for the past 8 years. How do they still employ that putz? Oh wait, he's the managed care expert you can tell by his track record of excuses.

Now it all finally comes to an end. Put on the shelf away from the active sales force. Keep telling yourself your run as ABD was successful. Maybe someday someone else will believe you're not a loser that moved around the country staying barely ahead of the mess you create in your wake. With daily exposure to corporate senior management people will quickly realize how child-like your strategy and vision are in the context of the corporation as a whole. There's a nice hospital territory waiting for your back in St. Louis after it's all over. Look on the bright side at least you'll end your Forest career back home.