RSM takes CSCs new car for himself


Marcus (RSM) took the reps car that was based out of Kansas City back in 2012. He decided he wanted a new car so he took the reps car and gave that person his car. What type of person would do this. Its all about him. Piece of shit Regional Sales Manager.

Marcus (RSM) took the reps car that was based out of Kansas City back in 2012. He decided he wanted a new car so he took the reps car and gave that person his car. What type of person would do this. Its all about him. Piece of shit Regional Sales Manager.

Relevant post dipshit.

Marcus has been gone for 15 months. I'm guessing this is from the KC rep that ended up being put on plan.

Maybe soon you'll get over it.

phadia/vs Life technolgies

It is interesting that the entire survey was unbiased until the very last question about life technologies merging with phadia. There goes your request for the survey! Phadia/ Quest hooligans ; are shortly gone. They will be all under 1 umbrella as Phadia I.D.D. will be part of that umbrella with Life Technologies . This entire group will be eliminated. Do you think Quest will hire these hooligans back? Several hundred million dollars worth of lawsuits later ? The writing is on the wall... I am curious what happens with J.B. The rest will be let go

To the above poster, can you further explain what you mean by your comment? I'm hoping you're saying the higher ups will be let go, & that someone who actually may know how to lead an organization, perhaps from Life technologies steps in & fixes the issues we have here at the lovely Thermo Fisher!

All it is basically comes down to is consolidation. Will some people remain in their position ? Yes they will.. You me even see zwickl survive and given a different title.. In house employees will be repositioned; or eliminated. Territories will expand; yes expand as opposed to paying additional salaries . Attrition and change over will reduce costs. It is the winter time. The sh-t show will now start as to not effect results in a slow period . Thermo will continue to hire military ; as it is a huge tax write off by hiring them. It is penny wise ; but dollar foolish. Welcome to the new corporate America.

Phadia/thermo is gone end of next first quarter. All correspondence and resources will come out of norwalk connecticut. Kalamazoo will shit down. Joel ; you had it spot on.!


All of a sudden zwickl found a personality and corresponds with her troops on a weekly basis. Before you would never hear from her. She knows her job is on the line. She is showing mgt her correspoindence is abundant which depicted a lack of communication of since july 2013.. Now you see emails from her once a week as opposed to twice a year. The fish is starting to smell.

Maybe she wont show up 3 hours late for her national sales meeting this time and wait 150 people wait.. Show respect to your employees and make sure your the first one there you poimpous freak

I also love the way we get emails from our leaders, wishing us a happy holiday, ie: Easter, halloween, thanksgiving, Memorial Day, etc... Oh, I meant our old leaders, the leaders we currently have at this organization shouldn't even have the Privilege of being called a leader, they are some of the worst people to have stepped foot in this organization & I am ashamed to have ever worked w/ people like them.. They don't respect their employees at all. At least DE had courtesy & respect for his employees to send us emails thanking us for our hard work & wishing us well during holidays. This may seem minor, but it also another way that MZ has no respect for her employees.

You old Ameripath freaks hated that Quest bought your organization & changed everything you loved about Ameripath, forcing you to leave Quest. Yet you walk into Thermo Fisher Scientific guns blazing trying to change every single thing about this organization, making 90% of the employees at this company hate the place they work. Very hypocritical on your part & shows your true character & leadership skills. You sit there & tell us, "oh change is hard,, some people can't deal with it," & then give us a book about looking at ourselves & to stop placing blame on others... Hate to break it to you, the problem is YOU MZ & your crappy leaders that you brought over. Change can be hard, remember we were bought in 2011 & went through a lot of change then, & dealt with that fine. However unnecessary change that comes from people who have no clue what works & why they are making the change for other reasons than just because, will in turn cause the high turnover rate it has caused with a mass exodus of great employees..You weren't willing to learn anything about the ins & outs of this company or the employees we have here. You didn't sit back & observe to see what actually works & what doesn't work, & then make changes to the things that need to improved on. I had a great run at this company & learned a lot, Thermo Fisher & Phadia are great companies, the problems are the people running this division. Thank god, I don't have to work for these people at this company ever again! Drops mic! I'm much happier working for a company that actually respects me! Hope someone takes a dump in your stuffing at thanksgiving MZ, bc everything that comes from your mouth is BS anyway!

Thermo Fisher and Phadia are great companies ; and that is putting it mildly . 401K max contributions; descent medical insurance; company car; descent expense accounts ; they were not difficult. The problems arose since the leadership change; and the stressful environment that they portrayed. I hope this group too shall pass

There were no KC reps on plans at any point during Marcus' tenure. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I do know there was a KC rep who was awful and couldn't hack it in KC. His DM tried to save his job and moved him to SW Missouri. Not long after, he was on plan and quit on his own.

My guess is that is the rep who is now complaining about something from over a year and a half ago.

I do know there was a KC rep who was awful and couldn't hack it in KC. His DM tried to save his job and moved him to SW Missouri. Not long after, he was on plan and quit on his own.

My guess is that is the rep who is now complaining about something from over a year and a half ago.

I was in training with that guy, you are right he was terrible, especially after his wife delivered their twins 12 weeks early while he was in of which died and the week after he came back from leave his DM tried to field ride with him. Then his child that did live spent 3 months in the NICU. You must be a sensitive person and know what that type of event can do to a person.

However, most people in KC, and Marcus' region as a whole couldn't hack it. Mainly because they were always being compared to, and asked to produce results on par with, people who were dirty cheaters, one of whom you probably are. Further, Marcus never was a leader, he felt he was a commander. He was mostly interested in someone making him money, rather than trying to help them make him money. He dictated, not developed...this isn't complaining, it's fact.

You're an absolute genius to know why someone left, according to your logic as to the reason that guy left, over half the company must have been on PIP's since the sales force at this company has turned over almost 2 in 3 CSC's since 2013.

I was in training with that guy, you are right he was terrible, especially after his wife delivered their twins 12 weeks early while he was in of which died and the week after he came back from leave his DM tried to field ride with him. Then his child that did live spent 3 months in the NICU. You must be a sensitive person and know what that type of event can do to a person.

However, most people in KC, and Marcus' region as a whole couldn't hack it. Mainly because they were always being compared to, and asked to produce results on par with, people who were dirty cheaters, one of whom you probably are. Further, Marcus never was a leader, he felt he was a commander. He was mostly interested in someone making him money, rather than trying to help them make him money. He dictated, not developed...this isn't complaining, it's fact.

You're an absolute genius to know why someone left, according to your logic as to the reason that guy left, over half the company must have been on PIP's since the sales force at this company has turned over almost 2 in 3 CSC's since 2013.

I left Phadia years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. MM, DK and the bunch were a bunch of low class morons. Now MM is some VP somewhere. Give me a break. The guy is shady and a loser and was the king of allowing preceptorships. Great way to sell.

I also love the way we get emails from our leaders, wishing us a happy holiday, ie: Easter, halloween, thanksgiving, Memorial Day, etc... Oh, I meant our old leaders, the leaders we currently have at this organization shouldn't even have the Privilege of being called a leader, they are some of the worst people to have stepped foot in this organization & I am ashamed to have ever worked w/ people like them.. They don't respect their employees at all. At least DE had courtesy & respect for his employees to send us emails thanking us for our hard work & wishing us well during holidays. This may seem minor, but it also another way that MZ has no respect for her employees.

You old Ameripath freaks hated that Quest bought your organization & changed everything you loved about Ameripath, forcing you to leave Quest. Yet you walk into Thermo Fisher Scientific guns blazing trying to change every single thing about this organization, making 90% of the employees at this company hate the place they work. Very hypocritical on your part & shows your true character & leadership skills. You sit there & tell us, "oh change is hard,, some people can't deal with it," & then give us a book about looking at ourselves & to stop placing blame on others... Hate to break it to you, the problem is YOU MZ & your crappy leaders that you brought over. Change can be hard, remember we were bought in 2011 & went through a lot of change then, & dealt with that fine. However unnecessary change that comes from people who have no clue what works & why they are making the change for other reasons than just because, will in turn cause the high turnover rate it has caused with a mass exodus of great employees..You weren't willing to learn anything about the ins & outs of this company or the employees we have here. You didn't sit back & observe to see what actually works & what doesn't work, & then make changes to the things that need to improved on. I had a great run at this company & learned a lot, Thermo Fisher & Phadia are great companies, the problems are the people running this division. Thank god, I don't have to work for these people at this company ever again! Drops mic! I'm much happier working for a company that actually respects me! Hope someone takes a dump in your stuffing at thanksgiving MZ, bc everything that comes from your mouth is BS anyway!

This post is spot on! May I add that the new leaders here also have no respect or regard for anyone who doesn't agree with them on everything. If they say the sky is pink, they expect every person at the company to just sit there & agree with them, even if it is not true at all. It's like a communist/hitler mentality. This company asks for people's opinion just to ask, they don't value or listen to anyone's imput, unless it matches up with their opinion fully. They don't know what true leadership is. They think they can "mold" people into being exactly what they want. Hence most of all the weakest ass kissing follower managers are left. This only works for weak people, because no one who is strong enough & values themselves will ever agree with half the stuff these people want us to be. They hired a ton of military people, thinking that these people would be easy to mold & that they would agree with them & follow them, but hate to burst their bubble, in the military, they actually have true leaders. The people you hired are used to real leadership skills & listening to real leaders, not these jokes; which is why the military people are even appalled at what goes on in Thermo. The turnover rate isn't getting any better, even the new people would gone; the only reason they are still here, is just because they want at least a year in some kind of medical sales exp. on their resume. Hope The main people at Thermo Fisher, (not in the IDD division) open their eyes & do something about this organization that's going into the ground!

The leadership post above this one is spot on. I got out, and the grass is actually much greener on the other side.

I swear to god that company changed me - and not for the better. It's like having PTSD - don't let those dick heads make you forget who you are.