rp gone this friday

first step in eliminating straviva. He failed. Cost the co 50 million in fines for off label promotion. Why was he kept this long is is the question.

Pat asked he be kept on as a favor when he left...so it said

starting in august. it will be idled and a charge off for the division will be taken in 2013. This simply means the liabiliies will be written off this year. Clean break.

there will be a phased approach. We are looking for a suitor to take the entity Strativa. So if that fails all will be gone in Dec. First priority is to get expense down to pretty the joint up

He's probably laughing his ass off. You know he's the only VP of Sales that actually reads and posts on cafepharma. When he's not running Strativa to ground or sending those motivational bumper stickers he's on CP posting. Speaking of bumper stickers, I guess he has extra cash to send out bumper stickers since they saved a ton by going to the piece of shit, cheap ass Mobile lite IMS system. I remember when this company actually resembled a real pharm company. We had a real Training dept, a real sales opps dept, a full managed care team and a brand team that actually had experience. Now we have a bunch of morons who don't know what there doing and seem to be the only ones who get promoted. Super Stars!!!! And the great master mind of all this disgrace, RP...congrats!

Everyone knew that once PL was gone, RP would soon follow. Same thing happened at the last Company that they were both with together...Cardinal Health. PL left to "retire" while RP took the company from $250 million down to about $10 million. What a LOSER!!!!!!!