Round Rock Manufacturing GM out in 2 weeks


looks like the ship on the new product is sinking under LL's direction and the first mate found warning signs and is jumping ship....

Anyone else jumping ship too or even able to? This is supposedly where the insys company "pipeline" comes from....

Maybe he got tired of fighting for his manufacturing people after that last town hall it seems RR outright called upper management to a fight?


The RR facilities are severely underpaid. The health risks are severe and appear to be increasing. High amounts of chemical exposure are dangers for long term and immediate health of employees. There is also no structure to promote professional growth. The is no tier system for individuals to look towards a promotion for. There Is also no compensation increase for a "shift leader" position as they can be arbitrarily assigned and moved around. Degrees seem to mean nothing within the company either as you can enter with a bachelor's of science and make relatively the same as someone entering with no education in the sciences or degree of any type, and no experience. The pay is barely enough to make ends meet for the Austin area. There is no bonus incentive to meet or exceed quotas as a group either. Moral is low across the board and there is no attempts to boost moral. These facilities are considered the "pipeline" of the company and are treated poorly. The minimum pay package for a new employee with a degree in sciences should be at least 50k/year. It is substantially lower than this and the higher positions are barely scrapping above this. For the health risks that are being taken on a daily basis and for being the facilities that produce that new product lines, the pay should reflect that.

Obviously your information is misguided, the company put out a press release this morning naming SW as new GM, sure doesn't look like he is was "out" in two weeks, or do I have this wrong?....hard to tell with this company due to their failure to promptly announce resignations

The manufacturing facilities have not seen OSHA in the labs or reviewing chemicals used for at least 2 years. FDA only inspects paperwork for completeness and to issue warnings for outstanding corrective actions. Even then most paperwork auditors generally show up before holidays or vacations and then promptly leave once the paperwork is speedily issued to them. The chemicals being used in the facility, according to OSHA, should have warranted facility wide air testing in both facilities, which has still not been performed to date in either one. Only complaints from lab workers spawned a few sampling tests which yielded failing OSHA limits for chemical exposures. Hardly anything has been done for the workers for these high exposure groups even though repetitive requests for testing and increased training have been made from the group to Lien-Lung BW and FS, the dept managers. Workers are silcened with threats of firings demotions and pay reductions through "forced time off" if they press concerns or want to report safety incidents.

The workers are fighting for a good reason only to be squandered by their leadership hiding flaws and mismanagement and poor facility planning/implementation of proper testing and controls. The newest thing is they would like to add more ventilation to the labs but this will lead to workers in office areas being greater exposed to these chemicals as well. This is due to the nature of the fumes as they are heavy and will sit on the rooftop only to be sucked back into the building HVAC systems and distributed to everyone and not just lab workers.

BW was the GM leaving and RW has no idea of the inner workings of the labs for this facility and has shown more interest in AZ office politics/attending to Leon-Lung rather than what problems are needing immediate corrections/reducing failures to keep this company making millions without more lawsuits.

RR leadership is most corrupt, having no principles, scared about loosing job, hides details of day to day affairs from C level executives. few good people are overloaded and spends 10-12 hours working everyday, while others at AZ knows how to push all the workload to RR. After departure of EM, and BW situation is worst, API mfg team does not have any clue of management, product yield goes down every day. NO API to support clinical programs, unfortunately company cannot buy API from other source. mfg. manager is a pc. of shit, SW is looking to bring new mfg. manager, anybody interested? you need only one qualification to get entry in to management team. A** kissing, that is the only degree you need.

This is due to the nature of the fumes as they are heavy and will sit on the rooftop only to be sucked back into the building HVAC systems and distributed to everyone and not just lab workers.

May want to look at a diagram of a central air system Chad. A/C recycles the same conditioned air inside over and over.
You have mistaken the condensing unit On the roof as an intake. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a person who has vested this much time to complain about their situation, rather than make a resume and apply for another position.

If you hate it. Leave. There is always someone behind you that wants your job more than you. Give them the opportunity. Perhaps they will more about the functionality of an A/C system. Well, let’s hope.

Looking forward to your next redundant post Brad.