Roommates During Training

to get out of roomie situations, go to your family dr, have them right a note, can be for anything that would compromise your sleeping situation and turn it in to coporate

Oh grow the F up! You have a job making more moeny then your or this job are worth doing f-ing nothing but collecting signatures and dropping samples and your want to get pissy about the roomate arrangement for traing - HI asshole there is real unemplyoment of more then 15% in this county you big pussy - so shut the F up and do your job

but i dont want anyone else to see me in my pj's, I loved having a roomie, of course I am a serious snore hound at night, as a matte of fact, the wife sleeps on the other side of the house, anyway, I would bring a bag of ear plugs and if I was checked in before the roomie, I would leave the bag of ear plugs on his bed, otherwise for 2 days who cares,

Thanks for the mature responses. I am thankful to have a job. I have to go to work everyday. I have thousands of illegals who depend on my paycheck so they do not have to work.

Oh grow the F up! You have a job making more moeny then your or this job are worth doing f-ing nothing but collecting signatures and dropping samples and your want to get pissy about the roomate arrangement for traing - HI asshole there is real unemplyoment of more then 15% in this county you big pussy - so shut the F up and do your job

Maybe you should learn how to spell and punctuate? Just a thought. Too hard to type while drinking? Thanks for the misquote concerning unemployment...but maybe the liberals can vote in Obama again and we can hit 15 percent. BTW...would love to have one full time job but now need to have 2 to make ends meet. Bitter, judgemental jerk.

Maybe you should learn how to spell and punctuate? Just a thought. Too hard to type while drinking? Thanks for the misquote concerning unemployment...but maybe the liberals can vote in Obama again and we can hit 15 percent. BTW...would love to have one full time job but now need to have 2 to make ends meet. Bitter, judgemental jerk.

Well mis-spellings aside - the quote is spot on. The real unemployment in this country is at least 15% - if you need two jobs to get by - you need to do a reality check and for Christ sake dont be a loser and file bankruptcy. One other thing any of you pharm reps that think you have it so bad then go try to find another job that pays the same ridiculous salary and perks - you wont find one. Next to school teachers I have not heard a larger group of whining, entitlement minded cry babies - go do something else if you are so damn unhappy! there of hundreds of people that will take either of those jobs in a heart beat YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED!

Oh grow the F up! You have a job making more moeny then your or this job are worth doing f-ing nothing but collecting signatures and dropping samples and your want to get pissy about the roomate arrangement for traing - HI asshole there is real unemplyoment of more then 15% in this county you big pussy - so shut the F up and do your job

Been in this business 17 years. Been through downsizing 3 times, and the roommate thing is a joke. I will now only take jobs that treat you like an adult and give you your privacy. We are the only industry that does roommates at meetings. I was fired from a meeting where I had a roommate who shored so loud that I couldn't sleep all night. I checked out of room, got my own room. Last day of meeting, they talked to me about it. Next week I was fired..... So, the no roommate thing is a must for me.

Been in this business 17 years. Been through downsizing 3 times, and the roommate thing is a joke. I will now only take jobs that treat you like an adult and give you your privacy. We are the only industry that does roommates at meetings. I was fired from a meeting where I had a roommate who shored so loud that I couldn't sleep all night. I checked out of room, got my own room. Last day of meeting, they talked to me about it. Next week I was fired..... So, the no roommate thing is a must for me.

Roommates have the potential to be an HR nightmare. It's amazing that any industry still has a roommate policy. Now with Publicis, as cheap as they are...well, you see where I am going. I think big pharma is starting to realize that the sales team they contracted for, has no loyalty or engagement whatsoever and are looking to get out of contract selling at the first first opportunity that comes up! Why would you want to pay for a sales team whose only goal is to leave the contract company?

If a company is too damn cheap to spring for individual rooms for a few days, then that's all the more reason to dump them ASAP!

Been in this business 17 years. Been through downsizing 3 times, and the roommate thing is a joke. I will now only take jobs that treat you like an adult and give you your privacy. We are the only industry that does roommates at meetings. I was fired from a meeting where I had a roommate who shored so loud that I couldn't sleep all night. I checked out of room, got my own room. Last day of meeting, they talked to me about it. Next week I was fired..... So, the no roommate thing is a must for me.

"we are the only industry that does roommates". Hey dummy, professional athletes that make more in 1 week then your sample dropping, whiny ass makes in a year have roommates. Enjoy your continued unemployment you spoiled pharma fuck.

I'm cool with roommates. Usually roomed-in with a fellow district mate. We bring some pot and a booze and have a "great time" with a couple of our attractive good female friends from other districts. It's actually one of the few things I look forward to these meetings.