don't have PREFERRED medicaid coverage in your territory? Had one down week? You'll be getting a threatening call from your incompetent worthless manager. FREE Annovera vs. A crazy Prior Auth and high co-pay. It's not rocket science. The offices are sick and tired of dealing with it! GET BETTER COVERAGE!!!!! We're still out here dealing with the repercussions of the 6 month long Annovera outage and women not being able to get their prescriptions filled. "business as usual" they say. Jesus Christ. We can't perform miracles!
SO MANY open territories -Why aren't the managers making calls /setting up lunches in the open territories? Hiring freeze and what do they do? They put the reps that have actually stuck around, on PIPS.
Thank you. May I have another?
Why do they want more empty territories with a hiring freeze in place? Doesn't sound like a salesforce is included in whatever deal they are working on...does it?
EXPRESS SCRIPTS??? STILL not covered? You told us JULY. Another LIE.
vague, empty promises made on zoom calls until we don't serve them anymore/ Hugh and Mark get their pay day.
We'll be thrown out with yesterday's garbage in the end