Roll-in option


I've read all the mess about CONTRACT peeps being the scum of the earth however as a new Ventiv PharmaCare rep who has been outta work with a family and bills to pay, I see it as trying to survive in a BAD economy. Never thought I'd be in this position and I don't plan on being contract too long, brings me to question: Do we contract peeps really stand chance on the 6 month teaser botj Ventiv and Forest keep touting or is this a standard industry line of BS? I would appreciate candid answers or maybe past REAL experience rather than the pie hole rumbling of disgruntled morons. Any thoughts?

Nobody I know thinks that, if we got laid off we'd be doing the same thing. It's easy for a narcissistic fool to think they're above taking a pay cut and contract spot but any Forest rep who thinks they're somehow above or better than someone on the new contract sales force is an idiot, we're all doing the same thing and hoping for the best.
It's surprising the Icahn thread hasn't gotten more play, he may have failed last year but this second attempt is much more likely. Anything could happen if he prevails.
Nobody can say what will happen. This is Gerard's deal and who knows what moves he will make but he sure as hell doesn't want this to crash and burn.
Ultimately you're one person. If you're smart and able to be a standout you're putting yourself in the best position you can be in, that's all you can do.

the contract people are the union busters during strikes. They are here to TAKE you job awasy. Once forest sees they can get 12 sigs a day and work for 55k or less with zero beneftis the cheapskates at forest willl make an obvious decision. i will not help my vnetive rep so htat tehy willnot look better an take my job

How many of u really think you are worth the money they pay us. Most reps only want a Quik sig or copy a sig from an old cassra. Most of u are afraid to speak to a doctor because they will realize you are an uneducated schmuck. Grab you sigs or fake them, forest is notorious for that, then hope your numbers luckily line up and SMS stay off your backs. We are the most over paid profession in the country and you people still bitch like little girls

the contract people are the union busters during strikes. They are here to TAKE you job awasy. Once forest sees they can get 12 sigs a day and work for 55k or less with zero beneftis the cheapskates at forest willl make an obvious decision. i will not help my vnetive rep so htat tehy willnot look better an take my job

Do you really think you have that much influence?
If Forest isn't torn apart by Icahn and they decide to go with a contract heavy sales force they'll have no problem filling those spots with what they feel are qualified reps. The higher ups have zero knowledge of which reps are truly valuable and are making a difference. The marketing data used to assess the sales force is way off the mark. It's almost laughable to think of the sales execs going over the product presentation, sample, and call data we put in regardless of what actually occurred in the call and drawing conclusions about how this data translates to prescriptions, really? The IMS data is 70% accurate at best, and the expensive marketing surveys about what docs remember or respond to is a complete waste of money. They are just checking boxes and plowing through the survey giving little to no thought to their responses yet marketing uses this data to not only assess our impact but to make broad sweeping conclusions about what is important to our targets (yep, they're all the same screw the individual it's irrelevant), the message/poa that we are to deliver, and how effective we are.
We don't exist as individuals.

Let's face it, we have all been overpaid for years. We get cars, stock, feed our family and friends from our Amex, put gas in our personal cars, work a few hours a day grabbing signatures by passing our computers thru the window and we have the bals to complain about anything. We will b torn apart and see what complaining you do then. In the mean time, shut the F up.

Let's face it, we have all been overpaid for years. We get cars, stock, feed our family and friends from our Amex, put gas in our personal cars, work a few hours a day grabbing signatures by passing our computers thru the window and we have the bals to complain about anything. We will b torn apart and see what complaining you do then. In the mean time, shut the F up.

The contract people are the new "scabs" who break the union line and go back to work!
If we are not careful these contract workers will be the "new " forest reps making 40-55 a year, crappy bounus and some expense money for donuts. 4

The contract people are the new "scabs" who break the union line and go back to work!
If we are not careful these contract workers will be the "new " forest reps making 40-55 a year, crappy bounus and some expense money for donuts. 4

If we aren't careful? What the heck are you talking about? There's nothing we can do, they ARE the new Forest reps.

To those that took the time to address my original ? about the possibility of rolling into the regular Forest rep lineup, THANK YOU for your time. As expected the same babble from others about scabs,scum blah blah blah. A wise man once said be careful what you mock. I can say from FIRST hand experience NOT one person I met from the PharmaCare div would want to put anyone else outta a J.O.B. We are just trying to survive and take care of ourselves and families. The one thing I will take from this experience is we as CONTRACT employees are NOT viewed as team members by Forest reps nor current DM's but viewed as adversaries. This is very sad as I believe many such as myself will leave with a not so pleasant experience thru no fault of our own. By the tone of some on this board, Forest is merely a stepping stone for a Pharma company with a more suitable culture for a true TEAM success in sales. Thanks again, You know who you are...YOU know. Good luck to all in future endeavours!!!

It's laughable that any Forest rep thinks their opinion or actions have any relevance in this situation. Note to Forest reps, you mean nothing!
The contract reps have something you DON'T have, a contract. Nobody at any level of significance cares if you leave or about you as a human being. Forest is taking a beating! Have you seen the eps forecast? Have you read the analysts opinions regarding the SHAREHOLDERS (in case you weren't aware, they are who we answer to)?
You have two options other than running your mouth like a fool:
1- Shut up and accept whatever fate awaits you
2- Find another job