Role playing Praluent

I'm a seasoned rep and I know I can carry a conversation about this disease state. Why the hell am I role playing for an evaluation again?

I agree. This clearly outlines the big Pharma mentality of this company. If they wanted a primary care rep, they should have got one. I understand things need to be done a certain way, but at the same time it is insulting to think I don't have the skill set to get this done. I always say, let the idiot managers role play and show us how it is done and then we will do it.

I am a seasoned rep too, but, I really think that role playing was beneficial. I feel confident in my abilities with the new material. They could have given us a written test….it could have been much worse! Remember, we are partnered with Big Pharma. Regeneron is NOT big Pharma, but we are still in the business of selling and bringing solutions to patients and providers.

It's kind of silly to keep saying that Regeneron isn't big pharma and that they are only partnered with big pharma and thus will do big pharma things. Walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a guessed's a duck.