Has Sr Management already sarted the process of trimming with the recent (Vision Care) R&D layoffs - 20+ folks let go?) to help make the company look "better"? Have there layoffs elsewhere?
Has Sr Management already sarted the process of trimming with the recent (Vision Care) R&D layoffs - 20+ folks let go?) to help make the company look "better"? Have there layoffs elsewhere?
People in Vision Care R&D Rochester were let go? What departments were they from? My guess is if they are laying off in Vision Care then they have decided to sell Vision Care to JNJ and JNJ does not want to bother with laying people off after they buy the company so they are having WP do it for them.
wow...I won't be able to sleep without nightmares tonight again. I am already stressed out and having night mares about losing my job! They should just do the layoffs for all departments already and not have a long drawn out process. I need to know if all sites will be affected and not just Rochester!