Rochester hiring back laid off Pharma people

Well here in Waterford, its a joke, first half of the 200 people that got redunancy will not be leaving untill the end of 2015, and they are already hiring 50 plus new workers, the extention is been built, big investment my arse, and last week the gave all the employee 100 euros to build moral,all the new employees will be starting at a much lower rate.also for every new employee that starts work, the goverament , gives the employer 10 thousend euro per head, THEY DO

Well here in Waterford, its a joke, first, Half of the 200 people that got redunancy will not be leaving untill the end of 2015, and they are already hiring 50 plus new workers, the extention is been built, big investment my arse, and last week the gave all the employee 100 euros to build moral,all the new employees will be starting at a much lower rate.Also for every new employee that starts work, the goverament , gives the employer 10 thousend euro per head, THEY DO

The Allergan/Activis CEO says Valeant has a business model he does not want.

When he sold B&L to Valeant he really was very disloyal to the people that worked for him. He knew Valeant was not a good company and likely to layoff a lot of good people but he did it for his career. Many lost out he is now the CEO of Activis/Allergan.

Hope he enjoys his new career. Hope his new loyal employees fair better than the B&L folks he sent down river.