Roche Millionaires Unmasked



I continue to be amazed to hear that 50% of our company is owned by a secretive family. They remain hidden and secret as this article suggests. We don't even know if they believe in our mission, do they care about patients, do they know anything about what we do and how we do it? Or is this simply another big investment for them and we are their peons.

Sparky, you're just now finding this out? Geez, you probably are still into disco music too. They prefer to be somewhat reclusive, it's the style of many wealthy families.

Do they believe in our mission? Our mission is to make profit for the company and increase sales. If you don't believe that is true just try not making your sales goals for a year. Our products help patients and that's as much as they need to care about patients.

Yes, we are just another big investment for them and we are peons. If all this bothers you you have the choice to leave, start your own business and do it your way. Best of luck, Sparky , but I doubt you have the ability to make it on your own. Now keep your head down, work to make yourself better and stop hand wringing about whether someone doesn't have the same values as you.

Sparky, you're just now finding this out? Geez, you probably are still into disco music too. They prefer to be somewhat reclusive, it's the style of many wealthy families.

Do they believe in our mission? Our mission is to make profit for the company and increase sales. If you don't believe that is true just try not making your sales goals for a year. Our products help patients and that's as much as they need to care about patients.

Yes, we are just another big investment for them and we are peons. If all this bothers you you have the choice to leave, start your own business and do it your way. Best of luck, Sparky , but I doubt you have the ability to make it on your own. Now keep your head down, work to make yourself better and stop hand wringing about whether someone doesn't have the same values as you.

Sorry, small adjustment...our mission is to make money for the Roche family. Who care more about their wealth and status in Switzerland than about patients.