Roche Carolina

no it is not paperwork. Out of spec materials were used in manufacturing...and known by head of QA. I should say as known by the ex head of QA! Plus at least a couple of others to follow.

They are shutting everything down and are continuing to fire people - plant will never be started. They are selling the plant - a Chinese company called KKCL is supposed to be front runner to buy this.

Yeah.... Saw some suits from China swarm around the place. Managed to overhear that the Chinese company is called Kunpeng and that they will now acquire the whole plant, the rights to some products made at this plant and also assume the debt associated with the plant. The figure that is being projected is $1.7 billion. The products that will be sold are both biopharmaceuticals..... Pegasys and Mircera rights will be sold to a Chinese company. Heard that this company has deep pockets and is being bankrolled by the Chinese government through Sinopharm. One more American jewel sold to the Chinese - thanks a lot Obama

Stop ranting you right-wing losers. Yes, I too heard that a Chinese company called KKCL is buying our plant and the two products. But its not Obama's fault if the Swizz decide to run away ..... Roche is a Swiss company, they took our money as an incentive to stay put and now they are running away. Wait...the Swiss are actually a mix of French and German folks right... makes sense now, them running away.
Wellllll.... at least we will all have a job to go to.
I for one welcome our new chinese overlords (supposed to happen by May)....anything will be an improvement over the stuffy swiss and their cheese lunches!!

well, if everyone had done their jobs properly, the plant wouldn't be it's neither the Swizz, nor the Chinezze... just palin old American management which sucks and causes job losses. How about that?

Well they told many that the Pilot Plant was closing and that there was not a position for some people but strangely now the Pilot Plant is staying open so what about those people that lost there jobs after many years of working at Roche somewhere along the way Roche lost respect for its employees the ones that make Roche the money it takes in without their work Roche would not have the products made to be sent out.

Someone close to me has lost a job after 34 years. Roche was always a very good company to work for and treated its employees well. He was told the Pilot Plant was closing and did not have a job for him. Now the Pilot Plant is not closing. Seems kind of strange a certain group of people all had jobs except him. What has this company turned into. The layoff in October 2011 was nothing but a reason to get rid of certain people that they no longer wanted. The layoff was very very unfair. Too many good people were let go and they kept people that are not worth anything. I guess that shows how the company has changed.

Roche Carolina has ALWAYS had a reputation for age discrimination. They prefer people that can't walk across the room and chew gum at the same time to an older employee who knows his stuff. If one should have the misfortune to be a temporary employee out there-God help you. The best thing that can happen to that plant is that it is sold to someone who has an actual game plan.

Sell the plant, ha ha now that is a classic. NOBODY wanted it WHEN it actually had product to make, why would anyone want it after 2013? Keep drinking the koolade everyone.

So, how about all of the rumors that people created for no reason? The plant had issues that the previous "old" management created and look at the plant now. Let's see, still in business, doing better than ever and yes, some from the left coast came and they helped the plant be better. Let's chalk this up to better business. Out with old and in with the new!! Roche Carolina is back and has learned from the past.

Yeah, thriving all right. Making a reagent for one product and making a product that is off patent with no new products in sight. Great future in the place. Frigging joke is what it has become. BUT it will have a great HVAC system!

So, how about all of the rumors that people created for no reason? The plant had issues that the previous "old" management created and look at the plant now. Let's see, still in business, doing better than ever and yes, some from the left coast came and they helped the plant be better. Let's chalk this up to better business. Out with old and in with the new!! Roche Carolina is back and has learned from the past.

There must be hope for Nutley!