
If you have pressure in your area form Mako then now (or eventually once they figure out how to incorporate it) have something to counter with. If your docs don’t care about robotics then don’t sell it. Robotics itself will eventually become more relevant and helpful, likely many years down the road, so to ignore it would be a mistake. May as well let J&J start to develop something.

You are 10 years late to the party.
Robotics in orthopedics are not going away (as is the case with any industry that has introduced robotic technology).

Couldn’t agree more. It’s not a passing fad. Thought leaders at HSS, Mayo and Cleveland Clinic are routinely performing TKAs and THAs.
Haven’t met a surgeon that isn’t blown away after seeing first hand the ability to make a perfect tibia cut and 4-in-1 femur cut with no instruments except a saw.
The technology is years ahead of anything else currently available.