The Robert R. “I am a Rock Star, and You are Not” Ruffalo, Jr. Victory Lap of Wyeth Research has begun.
Combining the worst features of Donald Rumsfeld and Donald Trump, last hoorah of the Robert “It wasn’t broken, so I broke it” Ruffalo road show is coming to an end.
With chutzpah that would be the envy of either Clinton, our hero started his final “All Hands” talks around the Company. Ignoring the major setbacks he has wrought upon us, Ruffalo blithely showed slides of his greatest hits at the start of this foolishness last week.
Why Poussot allows Ruffalo to continue to leave his fetid fingerprints all over research, for his final loop of self-promotion, is a puzzlement.
We “hammered faster” for seven Ruffalo-years, and have built a house, which divided against the FDA and the rest of Pharma cannot stand.
It would be interesting to spend time inside Ruffalo’s head. Has he really ever believed his bullshit, or is he lying his way through his final set of presentations, just because that is what he does.
Combining the worst features of Donald Rumsfeld and Donald Trump, last hoorah of the Robert “It wasn’t broken, so I broke it” Ruffalo road show is coming to an end.
With chutzpah that would be the envy of either Clinton, our hero started his final “All Hands” talks around the Company. Ignoring the major setbacks he has wrought upon us, Ruffalo blithely showed slides of his greatest hits at the start of this foolishness last week.
Why Poussot allows Ruffalo to continue to leave his fetid fingerprints all over research, for his final loop of self-promotion, is a puzzlement.
We “hammered faster” for seven Ruffalo-years, and have built a house, which divided against the FDA and the rest of Pharma cannot stand.
It would be interesting to spend time inside Ruffalo’s head. Has he really ever believed his bullshit, or is he lying his way through his final set of presentations, just because that is what he does.