Robert Mele is Out and Senior Management takes free vaction on UHS dime!


Robert Mele is out the door now and hopefully this entire black-belt group will follow a complete waste of company time and resources, but if you really want to know the culture of UHS look no further than our senior management and their wonderful new plan of the Presidents Club to allow them to have a free vacation on UHS's dime each and every year. Must be nice, while the rest of us get small pay races and reduced bonus opportunity. I guess someone has to pay for your extravagant life styles. How can you ask those who work for you to work harder and do more with less when others in the organization are posting pictures on Yammer on how expensive everything is and how no corners were cut on the trip. The stakeholders of this company need to address this new senior leadership and need to it quickly! They are simply out of control. This organization will continue to lose good people because only a selected few are getting rewarded and for what? No year over year growth? No real plan? Has anyone see a real plan from Tom yet? Smoke and Mirrors pretty up the pig and sell it, but they ate the pig in Puerto Rico this week see pictures on Yammer. The best part of all of this bullshit is now in early may we get to complete another employee engagement survey wonder how those results will turn out? If your not in sales your getting pissed on in this company so I can only imagine the scores that will be coming. Don't be fooled by that profit sharing BS they just released either ask yourself what did the senior management team make? How big was or will be your raise this year if you get one? Time for a sweeping change at UHS the board got it wrong with this group and needs to address it soon or the damage will be so deep know no one can save this company!

Sounds like someone is mad. If you want to be rewarded, be in sales. Operations is not the backbone of the company although it plays a part. UHS finally has a sales' culture and people don't know how to handle it.

Sounds like someone is mad. If you want to be rewarded, be in sales. Operations is not the backbone of the company although it plays a part. UHS finally has a sales' culture and people don't know how to handle it.
Spoken like a sales douche bag haven't produced in years and now they think they are in charge. Good luck with that huge failure coming lol can't wait to set back what this implosion lol

AEs are order takers at best. Ask them about the clinical use of out devices and they stumble. They can't talk about the financial benefit to our customer without a report from corp.

And forget about CES knowledge. They don't want to sell that platform (don't tell Tom).

The black-belt group and "reducing variation and gaining efficiency" is the biggest piece of crap to be promoted at UHS in some time. Just keep the Districts organized and clean and that will take care of 90% of all the issues. And we should also do one other thing, clean and test the equipment. Anyone who works in a District knows that we don't really do this, we just want to get it bagged and on the shelf.

The black-belt group and "reducing variation and gaining efficiency" is the biggest piece of crap to be promoted at UHS in some time. Just keep the Districts organized and clean and that will take care of 90% of all the issues. And we should also do one other thing, clean and test the equipment. Anyone who works in a District knows that we don't really do this, we just want to get it bagged and on the shelf.
I think for the most part people try to do the right thing at UHS from the district level. We have some excellent folks working in the field. The real issue at UHS is the Senior Management, Tom, Kevin, Bob and Jim. They do not understand our business simply put, they make decisions that make zero sense and when you challenge them they either get rid of you or shame you. What has Tom and Kevin accomplished other than spending UHS money on useless trips, hired a consulting group to tell them what was wrong with UHS and have not adopted one thing from that report? All he had to do was gather up some key leaders in the company and they would have told him exactly what the consultants did. Not impressed with this team at all, I see nothing good coming from them and hope the UHS field team can survive this. I fully expect to see operational leadership continue to bail on this company since they are not valued at all.