Rob wanted to go.


Think about that. Rob wanted to go with the others. He no longer wanted to be all BONJI on Castle. He wanted to leave. He wanted abandon Castle. But all of a sudden he was Castle, all day everyday. So since he had no idea what he was doing, he pulls out hc1, for control. This way when people don't succeed as well as he did, he could blame it on kpi. It is important to remember he was so successful that the others did not want him to go with them.

Th he grandest of all Grand Poobahs wanted to leave what he now claims to love.

Think about that. Rob wanted to go with the others. He no longer wanted to be all BONJI on Castle. He wanted to leave. He wanted abandon Castle. But all of a sudden he was Castle, all day everyday. So since he had no idea what he was doing, he pulls out hc1, for control. This way when people don't succeed as well as he did, he could blame it on kpi. It is important to remember he was so successful that the others did not want him to go with them.

Th he grandest of all Grand Poobahs wanted to leave what he now claims to love.

You sir, just take away all legitimacy of the conversation as well as show your ignorance. Unless you were at Castle when the split happened, which I highly doubt, then you are just showing your petty, small mind by attacking others on a subject that you have no real knowledge of. Do you really think that if Rob wanted to leave, he would have stayed? That doesn't even make sense! You continue to post this nonsense on several threads. If you were indeed with Castle at the time, you would have seen the weekly sample reports, that although names were blacked out, were still readable and showed Rob, as well as most of the DVP's (TM's at the time), as the top in the company, not hired after the split. Do you really think if the top producers of the company left, that it would not only survive, but thrive? If you would like proof, call up home office and ask for the old sample reports. You write that all the top producers left, which is simply not true on any level. Not one of the top producers left, and that is a provable fact. Many were asked to go, but chose to stay and honor commitments and are continuing to thrive here.
The spirit of forum boards is suppose to be to air grievances (i.e.; complain) in order to influence change. When you personally attack anyone with such petty, unsubstantiated nonsense, it does nothing to further our cause of impacting change for the better. It also makes it difficult for any potential new hire to accept our board and concerns as legitimate, but rather makes the posters of this board look like aggressive, bitter & disgruntled employees. Please check your facts (and spelling/grammar) before you spout off nonsense, painting us all in a poor light.

You sir, just take away all legitimacy of the conversation as well as show your ignorance. Unless you were at Castle when the split happened, which I highly doubt, then you are just showing your petty, small mind by attacking others on a subject that you have no real knowledge of. Do you really think that if Rob wanted to leave, he would have stayed? That doesn't even make sense! You continue to post this nonsense on several threads. If you were indeed with Castle at the time, you would have seen the weekly sample reports, that although names were blacked out, were still readable and showed Rob, as well as most of the DVP's (TM's at the time), as the top in the company, not hired after the split. Do you really think if the top producers of the company left, that it would not only survive, but thrive? If you would like proof, call up home office and ask for the old sample reports. You write that all the top producers left, which is simply not true on any level. Not one of the top producers left, and that is a provable fact. Many were asked to go, but chose to stay and honor commitments and are continuing to thrive here.
The spirit of forum boards is suppose to be to air grievances (i.e.; complain) in order to influence change. When you personally attack anyone with such petty, unsubstantiated nonsense, it does nothing to further our cause of impacting change for the better. It also makes it difficult for any potential new hire to accept our board and concerns as legitimate, but rather makes the posters of this board look like aggressive, bitter & disgruntled employees. Please check your facts (and spelling/grammar) before you spout off nonsense, painting us all in a poor light.

You paint yourselves in a poor light. It's a horrible sign for a company to just now start making changes based on a message board. You're trying to save face, not change lives.

You paint yourselves in a poor light. It's a horrible sign for a company to just now start making changes based on a message board. You're trying to save face, not change lives.

LOL. Yes, by coming on this board and putting down BS, you have single handedly cause changes in a company. The above thread is correct, when you spew hatred and non sence, the legitimate grievances are overlooked. PLEASE consider the possibility that calling these people the cruel names was NOT the reason but the fact companies always evaluate performance at management level. They are maybe trying to figure out why so many are failing. I don't know but guarantee its not from the hate poration and lies told.

I say this with the hope of making Castle better and better. Some of the complaints are valid. If we focus on solutions instead of what has been said, those who are truly trying to do better can get help and succeed.

Digrunteled and pissed off people are just going to spew hate, check ALL these company boards, its on all of them.

Every board has nonsense and disgruntled people. That is just part of an anonymous board. Most just chose to ignore those messages and are able to distinguish between real issues and people who just want to vent.

Who really cares of Rob wanted to go with the National Sales Manager or not? This is all here say. The bottom line is that it has nothing to do with the current situation. I do not think we care if the TM's who became DVP's were at the top of the list, middle or bottom. They were selling in a different environment. Even if the were super rock star salesmen that does not mean they make good managers. Clearly a couple of them have absolutely failed as managers. Lets deal with that.

Every board has nonsense and disgruntled people. That is just part of an anonymous board. Most just chose to ignore those messages and are able to distinguish between real issues and people who just want to vent.

Regardless of the frustrations that people air here, there are still some MAJOR accountability issues here. Proven reps within Castle were fired because of KPI's. Reps who landed huge accounts were let go as well. The fact that the turnover is this high and nobody was let go for it, means that this was in fact the policy that was understood on all levels of Castle.

The only change that has come, was because this information started to become public. No explanation has been given otherwise.

LOL. Yes, by coming on this board and putting down BS, you have single handedly cause changes in a company. The above thread is correct, when you spew hatred and non sence, the legitimate grievances are overlooked. PLEASE consider the possibility that calling these people the cruel names was NOT the reason but the fact companies always evaluate performance at management level. They are maybe trying to figure out why so many are failing. I don't know but guarantee its not from the hate poration and lies told.

I say this with the hope of making Castle better and better. Some of the complaints are valid. If we focus on solutions instead of what has been said, those who are truly trying to do better can get help and succeed.

Digrunteled and pissed off people are just going to spew hate, check ALL these company boards, its on all of them.

This must be Robby boy himself! Looks like he has a jester to stand up for him as well.

Hey pal, you don't get to decide what we post and what is good to post or not. I am the Viking King! I am the one who requested cafe Pharma to start our own board! It is not just a tool for you to see suggestions, this is not a suggestion box. This is a place where we can discuss the true character of Castle's brass. To warn those you may try and fool!

Who really cares of Rob wanted to go with the National Sales Manager or not? This is all here say. The bottom line is that it has nothing to do with the current situation. I do not think we care if the TM's who became DVP's were at the top of the list, middle or bottom. They were selling in a different environment. Even if the were super rock star salesmen that does not mean they make good managers. Clearly a couple of them have absolutely failed as managers. Lets deal with that.

It is not here say. I left Castle around that time.

This has to be hands down the best board on Cafe Pharma. If that was Scott's goal than he has succeded by leaps n bounds over any and all boards. This is the hottest most active site I have ever seen or heard of. Too bad it's goal of selling toxicology lab services has all been waisted on this trivial bullshit! What a giant waist of money. I bet there were as many people on this site today, at the same time, as there were on the two training conference calls. I know some of us did both.

I am actually starting to feel sorry for these folks in Georgia. I feel like I am now beating up on the kids that are getting off "The Short Bus." And I just said that! OMG. God will punish me for this I'm sure. I just can't stop shaking my head and laughing at it all. F%•k it, give me a shot of that hot stuff.