You sir, just take away all legitimacy of the conversation as well as show your ignorance. Unless you were at Castle when the split happened, which I highly doubt, then you are just showing your petty, small mind by attacking others on a subject that you have no real knowledge of. Do you really think that if Rob wanted to leave, he would have stayed? That doesn't even make sense! You continue to post this nonsense on several threads. If you were indeed with Castle at the time, you would have seen the weekly sample reports, that although names were blacked out, were still readable and showed Rob, as well as most of the DVP's (TM's at the time), as the top in the company, not hired after the split. Do you really think if the top producers of the company left, that it would not only survive, but thrive? If you would like proof, call up home office and ask for the old sample reports. You write that all the top producers left, which is simply not true on any level. Not one of the top producers left, and that is a provable fact. Many were asked to go, but chose to stay and honor commitments and are continuing to thrive here.
The spirit of forum boards is suppose to be to air grievances (i.e.; complain) in order to influence change. When you personally attack anyone with such petty, unsubstantiated nonsense, it does nothing to further our cause of impacting change for the better. It also makes it difficult for any potential new hire to accept our board and concerns as legitimate, but rather makes the posters of this board look like aggressive, bitter & disgruntled employees. Please check your facts (and spelling/grammar) before you spout off nonsense, painting us all in a poor light.