Is he still the NSM there?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Sep 23, 2015 at 10:27: PM #1 anonymous Guest Is he still the NSM there?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Oct 05, 2015 at 10:32: AM #2 anonymous Guest He is, which just speaks to how stagnant that division is at Cook.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Jan 01, 2016 at 12:51: PM #3 anonymous Guest anonymous said: Is he still the NSM there? Click to expand... Yep, he either knows where the bodies are buried, has incriminating photos, or can satisfy like no other. Endoscopy will never improve until upper management is changed. FACT.
anonymous said: Is he still the NSM there? Click to expand... Yep, he either knows where the bodies are buried, has incriminating photos, or can satisfy like no other. Endoscopy will never improve until upper management is changed. FACT.