RM bonus fake


So...... We get told we are getting paid a bonus today (rm's) and they didn't pay it and my AD said its because the performance isn't there. Are you kidding me? My family was depending on this and this week. ZOLL is the worse company ever and upper management sucks

CW doesn't care if we get bonus. Was bitching about numbers and told us no bonus. She is the firebrand of ZOLL leadership. What a joke. She's had high turnover and after today all her rms will jump jump jump

CW doesn't care if we get bonus. Was bitching about numbers and told us no bonus. She is the firebrand of ZOLL leadership. What a joke. She's had high turnover and after today all her rms will jump jump jump

ADs arent making money so they probably don't care if the RMs don't get the bonus payout

The question here is, with all that is known about Zoll why would anyone sign on to rep them? If you are foolish enough to make that decision you should not be surprised if Zoll stiffs you