Yeah, that's pretty funny.
The Lakers thought they were the Miami Heat + 10. heh. Dwight and Nash turned out to be real duds. Kobe doesn't care. He's just hanging out with the boys. He's made his mark and accumulated a goldmine. I don't think Gasol really likes being a Laker anymore. I think one of his teammates stole his GF last year or the year before. That would be pretty hard to deal with. World Peace is a piece of work for sure. Always good for a laugh. They were thinking about bringing Phil Jackson back but poo-poohed that idea when Phil played hard-to-get at first. They canned this year's original coach (what was his name? Davis?). The new guy doesn't seem much better. The Lakers oughta just suspend their schedule for the rest of the year and regroup for 2013/14. Give 'em all an early vacation. And don't invite about half the team back. Hire a new coach on a one-year contract. If they don't win 80% of their first 10 games next season - fire him too.
Clips don't really impress me. Lots of showboats. I don't watch much pro BB. Only when I can't avoid it.
Boy, that Magic Johnson sure lived a long time being HIV+, eh??? I've always wondered how he caught it? Probably off a public toilet seat or some other low-risk way. Ya gotta be darn careful out there. It's dangerous as hell.