What I fail to understand is how we got rid of sales and marketing but kept every “biologics” rep. What do they do? Cover some cases for the real reps is about all I see. Paid full time to work quarter time and have one product.

Investors in Smith & Nephew (LON:SN.) have unfortunately lost 32% over the last three years

Layoffs coming for sure….but where will be hit?

The divisions that are dragging ass and have been killing our stock for years- ortho and sports med. Just pumping money into them and they cant get off the couch and compete with stryker or biomet

If ever there was a time for snn to be acquired ……. But no one wants them.
Stagnant market share. No plan or assets to overcome larger competitors. Stuck in place. Lifetime as an also ran. Imagine the morale if more layoffs hit…..:)

Poor little baby Brett - all the push-ups in the world couldn’t save him. This company is a flesh eating bacteria. Maybe a new CEO ( new one every 2 years ) will help.