
FO, KK and PS have turned Shire into a shell of it's former self. This place is a joke and has become the industry's punchline.

This group of losers are too busy lining their pockets with cash before the Board of Directors drops the axe on their sugar daddy FO.

It's truly sad to see such unique business units start to crumble. This forever notion of a new corporate culture is not uniting but dividing. The Rare Disease BUs are in turmoil. Many are leaving or interviewing. These are TALENTED people in a rare dusease space. I miss the old shire. The rocket has blasted off and ain't no way is it ever coming back.

The FALSE narratives just continue. We urge all employees to filter out the half truths and utter LIES and celebrate the WORLD CLASS Company we are today and in the future. God Bless our company!!