Right in Breakingnews backyard

I Love America

Odummyfucker is losing Pennsylvania. Of course Breakingnews has a poor record of supporting candidates lately. First he supported Spector of Stupork. Now this.

Odummy gets no applause from union thugs?

It is bad. Really bad. Maybe Breakingnews should get off of this site and start drumming up support for Odummyfucker who is about to get Cartered.

Remember, I told you he would be the second coming of Carter. I predicted all of this.


Your obsession with me is becoming a bit more than creepy. You had to start this thread after getting shanked mutiple times in the past week.

It is understandable as I live rent free inside your head!


As far as the topic of this misplaced thread, alot can happen in a year - This is just another example of ILA and his premature exasperation.