RIDE the WAVE...With Farxgia....Just Kidney...Kidding!


Wrong meeting. Of course they can screw it up...But this is a good drug. 18%RRR of death and ~30%RRR risk reduction of death/hospitalization. Mode of action is what? Less sugar and sodium...correct?
yea, doc do you want your HF pts to live longer, and of course they will say...YES. I'm saying you don't or you would have them taking...Farxgia....numnuts!


Wrong meeting. Of course they can screw it up...But this is a good drug. 18%RRR of death and ~30%RRR risk reduction of death/hospitalization. Mode of action is what? Less sugar and sodium...correct?
yea, doc do you want your HF pts to live longer, and of course they will say...YES. I'm saying you don't or you would have them taking...Farxgia....numnuts!
Quit being so negative! You are a joke yourself, numbnuts!

Wrong meeting. Of course they can screw it up...But this is a good drug. 18%RRR of death and ~30%RRR risk reduction of death/hospitalization. Mode of action is what? Less sugar and sodium...correct?
yea, doc do you want your HF pts to live longer, and of course they will say...YES. I'm saying you don't or you would have them taking...Farxgia....numnuts!

Wrong meeting. Of course they can screw it up...But this is a good drug. 18%RRR of death and ~30%RRR risk reduction of death/hospitalization. Mode of action is what? Less sugar and sodium...correct?
yea, doc do you want your HF pts to live longer, and of course they will say...YES. I'm saying you don't or you would have them taking...Farxgia....numnuts!

Doc comes back...yeah little rep tell me what drove that chf data. Not death, hospitalization drove those #s. See the door, get the hell out of here.

Doc comes back...yeah little rep tell me what drove that chf data. Not death, hospitalization drove those #s. See the door, get the hell out of here.

Ah Jardiance coming to AZ board to diss. Must be getting nervous.
Look at the indications and patient populations dipshits. What you got? A1C and CV risk reduction in patients that already had an event You should be scared.

Farxiga PI: 5.6...Fourniers Gangrene: Men your nuts may get serious infections, may need the knife.

Europeans Medicine Agency: Has warning's in PI that toes may fall off. FDA not yet. get your facts straight numnuts

Farxiga PI: 5.6...Fourniers Gangrene: Men your nuts may get serious infections, may need the knife.

Europeans Medicine Agency: Has warning's in PI that toes may fall off. FDA not yet. get your facts straight numnuts

GFY you fuzzy foreigner. Don't give two shits about EMA. And in the US of A, GF is a class effect and is very rare.