Ride Alongs


In office guidance rolled back but not manager ride alongs with field employees. I swear to God if my manager gets me sick and I pass it along to my unvaccinated child who is less than 12 I will sue the ever living piss out of Alnylam, John and Tolga.

Why the double standard for field employees when in office people need to wear a beeper that goes nuts if you’re less than 6 feet apart wearing a mask?

Mayo Clinic Study reports Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine efficacy has dropped to 42% with Delta. Most of the sales force has been vaccinated with Pfizer.


When so many of us who are in the field have unvaccinated children at home under the age of 12, and we do not get understand the long term cognitive effects on those who become infected without the protection of a vaccine, why are we allowing ride alongs to occur as Delta surges? Does nobody at Alnylam care about young families?

Home office is back to full restrictions!!! 6 feet of separation and mandatory masks!!! Offices are being closed to reps. And yet I can drive around with my boss in my car, which no knowledge of where she/he has been and what practices he/she keeps and that totally okay with Alnylam leadership?

We in the field have been putting our family’s health on the line throughout this crisis because it was the right thing to do for the business. But with the protection of masks and distancing. A month ago I was fully on board with rose alonga. The pandemic seemed to be over.

Guess what? It’s not. Are my children expendable Mr. Maraganore?

This company used to put science and compassion first. When did this change?

It’s time for a policy change. The science dictates it. Do the right thing.

Alnylam has been incredibly supportive during the pandemic. You can absolutely tell your RBD that you aren't comfortable with a field ride - HQ are in close quarters - I know - try and show some empathy that we have never been through this before and doing the best we can - oh and shut the hell up - at least you have a job.

Are you serious with impending Ride Alongs? Has HR approved this action? If my manager thinks he is going to sit his fat ass in my car, after ignoring me for over a year and just so he can show that HE has "activity", he is sadly mistaken.

Cough cough, I feel a cold coming on.