Rich Schmidt


So Paddy & Cali Boy deleted my thread on why Rich Schmidt resigned from BPV.

My RVP says they ran him out amd gave him a 1% merit; classy move for a 20 year vet. Bet those t-bags got full-boat.

He also said Hans & Curry are next. What's going on?

That's true. He and that sloth Hans started a very successful business together selling children's lingerie over the internet. Guess all that downtime in National Accounts paid off somehow.

Hans was a complete fraud. Never learned the business. Was totally set up by handed Texas when lived in Michigan . Only thing he was good at was harassing people, eating, swinging from Beasley's nuts, drinking, disrespecting women, ruining our ASPs, and working on his vocabulary. He was a tough guy on email but a complete wimp when face to face. Did I mention he was good at eating?