when does it launch in us?
launching July of 2014. Not kicking any ass yet.
saving a few minutes off a map is frankly not much value. The EPs using our systems don't care and although they are 'interested' their already asking who is going to run the system for them (this is a freebie) and how sure are they that it works. Those on the podium pitching it either have a hand in a pocket or have nothing else to say.
We're not concerned and are ready to drop our 'bombshell' whenever rhythmia hits
Bring it on!!!
Does this system have any kind of touch sensing in the pipeline? It doesn't? Gonna be hard to break in.
3 centers launched in US. First cases was so good Bst decide to recall all systems and catheters... Relaunch planed for end 2014... If they can settle problems! Mouahaahahahahahaha. We take points but we do not what for! We are boston scientific!
Seriously. Rhythmia was to launch two years ago, 18 months ago, 12 months ago......problems, problems, problems. The piece of sh__ will probably never launch. The enginners who screwed up the mifi catheters work on rhythmia. That will work GREAT
Threatening to drop a turd on their head? Who wants a 5000 diagnostic catheter that offers you nothing you don't already have. Oh yeah you also need to buy a 250k system to tell you nothing new.
BSX holding access to Rhythmia over doc's heads for device implants. Sound familiar?