Rheum salaries

Rheum salaries

Are Rheum sales salaries considerably higher than the other divisions ? Can someone give me an honest range for an executive level rep? What is the target bonus ( I realize it’s a district goal)
Also , what is the health insurance company option and car choices ? Would you say this is a good division to be in ??

I am in the late stage of the interview process and have another offer on the table from a different company. Trying to gather the facts which I know can be hard to find on this site but thought I would give it a shot.

Lilly doesn’t pay very well on base. Your base is most likely around $105k max and then your bonus depends on how your district performs and has very little to do with individual performance.
Do not come here for the pay or you’ll be miserable and mad all the time if you’re a performer. If you aren’t good at sales and don’t mind if your bonus depends on 10 other territories and you just want to blend in then Lilly is a good choice. Come here fir the atmosphere but 100% do not come here for the pay if you’re a performer.

Leave and go to a smaller company. They are in the 135-150k range. Lilly had historically paid crap and being abused by know nothing managers is not worth it. Yes, the grass is greener

You are in the wrong division or you don’t know what you are talking about ! Was offered way more than 105k

Okayyyy. Well take the job and enjoy your commission depending on how 10 other territories perform and how the company as a whole performs.

But I’ve been at Lilly a long long time. I know what we pay. It is below industry standards and our commissions are below industry standards.

Realistic base is $120-160k. If you are an executive rep maybe a bit more. Rheum is hard though.......the relationships are hard to get. It is not as easy as people think.

I’m no longer w/ Lilly, but I have not been gone that long either! I was a SESR w/ many achievements & of course multiple President Council awards to boot. Not bragging at all, but just wanted to demonstrate how under paying Lilly truly is! Don’t fall for that BS they tell you about how HR conducts surveys of other similar pharma-companies to ensure you are paid above industry averages.... BS!

I finally decided one day when I still worked for Lilly, that I would shop myself around a little with other companies to see if there was a better opportunity or Lilly really is paying me fairly/above avg.

Well I was shocked ... I interviewed w/ 2 companies & both offered about $25000 more on base and my bonuses increased from 30k to 50k @ 100% goal attainment!
The company I work now is not a bio-tech or device company. Very much a company that competes directly w/ Lilly everyday!