RFK Jr's impact on us?


Look, I'm a complete MAGA and loved the outcome, but RFK Jr. is a complete whacko. Going after vaccines that keep our kids safe because he claims the survivors of polio were better than those who died of it? What a clown.

Support the rest of 47's picks, especially Rubio, but what is RFK's best attribute to run our healthcare system?

-a virus ate part of his brain (his words)
-he decapitated a whale (his words)
-he carried a dead bear 250 miles to leave it in Central Park? (his words)
-the government uses chemtrails to spread mind control drugs (his words)

Dude is a freak.

Well, at least he's gonna get fluoride out of the water - that's been proven to act as a mind control agent - the deep state is using it to turn people to the other side. Been going on for years.

I hope he releases Chapo from prison. If the sacklets get to roam the earth rich as fuck after killing all of those people, then Chapo should too. I am not kidding. Free Chapo!