Revolving Door

Keyser Soze

I was shocked to see how many new reps there were in Vegas. When they had all reps with 1 year or less stand up- it looked like 1/3 of the room was on their feet. I understand that Mylan pays under industry average (especially for experienced reps) and they are well below industry standards for vacation time. We all know that when we take the job though. So what is driving everyone out? The Perforomist bonus fiasco? That doesn't seem to be enough to drive so many people to the door. My phone has started to ring again with recruiters that see my profile on LinkedIn so things are definitely getting better on the job front. Are that many people using Mylan as a bridge after a layoff to a higher paying position with a company that pays bonus on a consistent schedule?

I don't know what it is but I'm interested to see if the trend continues at the NSM next January.

Interesting I was just thinking the same thing. How much more can you take? In the next 6 months the outlook is poor. As much as Mylan pats themselves on the back for leadership, innovativeness and growth, on the Specialty side we are behind the eight ball. To continuously whip the reps with more "accountability" & needless "responsibility" creates a smokescreen for the reality. To be flat out told "we are taking resignations & applications" when asked about long overdue bonus money is beyond insulting. To think that Jive will invigorate the sales force who can barely meet the insane call metrics and needless reports that smacks of OLD pharma is laughable. Especially when corp can't seem come up with decent data or reliable payout schedules. I find their excuses eye rolling at this point. I'm embarassed for them.
I too am being approached by recruiters and starting entertain these opportunities. We are set up to fail with a half ass leadership team and reactive, mediocre sales & marketing dept.

and of course they want new people, they can pay low base salaries and string them along for a year without bonus and run them into the ground. There is no loyalty.

I wonder what our legal rights are regarding bonus payout. I also wonder if we have a class action lawsuit with overtime based on the current call plan expectations, no time out of territory & report/month end responsibilities to be done on "own time"=evening, weekend, holidays, vacation. It's as if Mylan owns your ass.

As a new rep, I got an uneasy feeling when I saw how many of us are new. The job market in our industry is crap to say the least and I have so many friends still looking for work. With all of those factors- I know it isn't easy to find a new job to leave Mylan. Apparently.... a crowd of people have done it recently.

I heard a lot about the Perforomist payout problems but it definitely seemed to be more than that. Most members of my team are completely frustrated with the goals and they told me that they are completely unrealistic. Leadership thought that we would grow 20% this year with two competitors launching against Epipen. Can that really be the case? I've been in pharma for 12 years and I am completely accustomed to the absolute cluster fuck of big pharma. This sounds like some shit that GSK or Pfizer would pull.

I thought this company was different? That's what my DM sold me in the interview.

Most of the good leaders have left. You will see, as the heading of the post states: "A revolving Door" LACK of leadership. Every year at the NSM there is a new President,VP, Etc. "I've been here 6months, I've been here 3months"...on and on. If the problems were fixed with new leadership, great! The problem is, the new leaders are just as bad as the last. They too will be in for 6mo. to 1 year max and the same revolving situation will occur... Round and round and round we go!!!! The only good leader left, in my opinion, is Sherry K. WHY is she not more visible to the sales force?!?!