Reuters: Oil speculators


Senator Sanders has released information that speculators artificially drove the oil prices up to $147.00 a barrel in 2008. Of course the republicans are in a frenzy of denial and complaint that Sanders should not have leaked this information. Apparently the same speculators have tried to use the Libyan war to do the same thing, but Saudi Arabia foiled their plans.
It is funny, though looking back, when Nancy Pelosi summoned the SEC to look at speculation and short selling, the prices plummeted. Boehner would never think to do the same thing. Maybe his contributions are to valuable to risk.

There is a collective group of speculators that control the markets. It's been that way for awhile now....but with the expanse of the internet, the game is completely rigged.

Everyone would enjoy life a little more if they just accepted this reality.

Senator Sanders has released information that speculators artificially drove the oil prices up to $147.00 a barrel in 2008. Of course the republicans are in a frenzy of denial and complaint that Sanders should not have leaked this information. Apparently the same speculators have tried to use the Libyan war to do the same thing, but Saudi Arabia foiled their plans.
It is funny, though looking back, when Nancy Pelosi summoned the SEC to look at speculation and short selling, the prices plummeted. Boehner would never think to do the same thing. Maybe his contributions are to valuable to risk.

Once again, old news. This has been public knowledge for years. Similar to the very public party affiliation of Sanders, who is a registered Socialist. When Sanders criticizes Obama, he makes Obama sound like John Boehner.

Once again, old news. This has been public knowledge for years. Similar to the very public party affiliation of Sanders, who is a registered Socialist. When Sanders criticizes Obama, he makes Obama sound like John Boehner.

The truth REALLY does seem to bother you...a lot. Your inane rambling and Obama bashing seems to be what you live for, no matter how old the reference.

Rock and Hairy are right and I'm not afraid to say it. After 25 years in this business I can tell you that it is absolutely corrupt. I could tell y'all stories that would send you up the tower w/ an assault rifle. It's such an easy fix too but the politicians won't do it.