Retirement Notice


What is the proper amount of notice to give your manager if you are retiring ? I actually love my boss, but don’t feel I should give too much notice. Thinking 4-6 weeks. Want to use and/or get paid for remaining vacation. Thoughts ?

What is the proper amount of notice to give your manager if you are retiring ? I actually love my boss, but don’t feel I should give too much notice. Thinking 4-6 weeks. Want to use and/or get paid for remaining vacation. Thoughts ?
I have seem most people give at least 4 weeks notice, some have given a couple months notice. Don't think there is any set rule.

How does the calculus change if you’re retiring ? If you have the vacation days to take a week or two at the end of your notice. Also, if you have excess days to be compensated for.
Want to leave on a good note. Really wondering about unforeseen issues

How does the calculus change if you’re retiring ? If you have the vacation days to take a week or two at the end of your notice. Also, if you have excess days to be compensated for.
Want to leave on a good note. Really wondering about unforeseen issues

2 weeks is plenty. Doesn't matter if you retire or quit. If your 55 or older, they will retire you automatically either way - merck is obligated to pay you for it. and paid for all used vacation days.

Any unused vacation you will receive a check. if your on good terms you can let them know well in advance so
he or she can plan weather to replace you or eliminate your position