Retention Bonuses for Mgrs

how nice for them. how many Ultra inventories do we have to beg borrow and push to pay for their nice bonuses?
ULTRA? What the hell? You think anyone is paying out to contact lens mansgers??? No sweetheart, this applies to pharma msnagers. It's to retain them and their teams. Valeant is worried about losing its team to another company.

This post is true. Pharma only. If managers stay with the company until January 2017 they will get a lump sum payout. Just announced at the pharma managers meeting last week.
It's too bad. All transparency has been lost at this company. Thanks RL and TV for plunging this company even lower than before.
If you're a pharm rep...LEAVE NOW! They don't care about you. Just get in step and enjoy your 2.5% merit increase-if you even get that. But don't worry they'll give you tons of company stock that you can cash-in in four years at one-third the value.
Keep working people. There's nothing to see here.

This is the greatest post because it's true and home office will no doubt be scrambling once they get wind. Like the above post says "no transparency" is the new M.O.
If you have any doubt at all about this or think this is just another rumor then ask your OSM. If they say anything but "It's True" then they are doing you a huge disservice.
I think we should all challenge our managers with this question and watch them squirm and see who has integrity and who doesn't. They put you on the hot seat all the time now let's turn the tables on them.

So manages get retention bonuses and the reps get nada. Nice, way to motivate the sales force. It ticks me off as a rep, but doesn't surprise me. We are really valued here!