In the last layoff (Feb 2011) we were given Lee Hecht Services. You sit in a board (boring) room (just like national sales meetings break-outs) watch videos, meet the "players/team" and then schedule meetings with the team leader for you t review your background. If offered the choice, I would have taken the money N paid for this service and done it myself. I thought it was a complete waste of time and money.
They condense your resume to one page. name, address, last job, awards, and short description of duties, previous job, awards, and short description of duties, skills, education.
There are recruiters (as mentioned above in a previous posting) that will send you (name missing) copies of resumes that are outstanding! Plug and Play! I landed a position with a hospital system that is far more important than a UPS/Caterer at Novartis, and the money was 10k more in salary wth an additional week of vacation. Sure I do not get a company car, but, who cares! I can buy my own, drive what I want, and write it off of my taxes since I use it for business. You can make the transition effortless or terrible and costly. It is truly up to you. Use the interet to resource resume samples, use recruiters for advice, ask your previous manager (who is probably going to be let go) for copies of outstanding resumes he likd. He does have copies of everyones employment record and resume as well as all of the good and bad. I got a copy of my whole record to copy once I was displaced. She didn't care.
Good luck to all of you. I hope you do not get displaced, however, if you do, there is a BIGGER & BRIGHTER light at the end of the dark tunnel of Novartis!