
we have capacity as a sales force to take on a new product via a partnership.
that says to me we need a partnership or less salespeople. only upper mgmt knows when that timeline needs to occur before the over capacity needs to be addressed or filled with a partnership

we have capacity as a sales force to take on a new product via a partnership.
that says to me we need a partnership or less salespeople. only upper mgmt knows when that timeline needs to occur before the over capacity needs to be addressed or filled with a

So all the salespeople are supposed to work hard until upper management decides if they need less salespeople and fires them? And then management tells them, after they have fired them, btw, we've decided to terminate IC plan and you won't be paid your q2 bonus. And when fired rep says "but I worked hard and I earned that bonus!" and then Management, HR and legal pull out IC comp plan form and say but you signed on the dotted line...

Narcissism at it's finest!!!

we have capacity as a sales force to take on a new product via a partnership.
that says to me we need a partnership or less salespeople. only upper mgmt knows when that timeline needs to occur before the over capacity needs to be addressed or filled with a partnership

Yes, companies are lining up to get some of this great performance from Cadence.

Yes, companies are lining up to get some of this great performance from Cadence. obviously means cuts in salesforce...what we REALLY need are cuts in management! If the managers had more reps, maybe they wouldn't have so much time to micromanage the reps! 3 RBDs? Give me a break!

I agree with above; way too much management; obviously micromanagement is a problem across the board and not just with my district; too much time with so many managers; reps can and will do their jobs; what management does not realize is that when micromanagement takes place, reps need to recuperate; that requires time off!

 obviously means cuts in salesforce...what we REALLY need are cuts in management! If the managers had more reps, maybe they wouldn't have so much time to micromanage the reps! 3 RBDs? Give me a break!

You know what is really sad? These so called great managers literally had a year to work in territories before the sales force was hired. What the heck did they do? I can sincerely tell you that my manager did absolutely nothing in my territory and they had a whole year! You would think they would want to do a bit of groundwork. I truly mean this when I say that one day into our launch meeting, I knew I had made a horrible mistake and I found the leaders of this organization a bit shady.

You know what is really sad? These so called great managers literally had a year to work in territories before the sales force was hired. What the heck did they do? I can sincerely tell you that my manager did absolutely nothing in my territory and they had a whole year! You would think they would want to do a bit of groundwork. I truly mean this when I say that one day into our launch meeting, I knew I had made a horrible mistake and I found the leaders of this organization a bit shady.

Those who can do, those who can't, "manage."

You know what is really sad? These so called great managers literally had a year to work in territories before the sales force was hired. What the heck did they do? I can sincerely tell you that my manager did absolutely nothing in my territory and they had a whole year! You would think they would want to do a bit of groundwork. I truly mean this when I say that one day into our launch meeting, I knew I had made a horrible mistake and I found the leaders of this organization a bit shady.

Totally agree with everything you said except the managers had at least a year and a half to do nothing. You're right a week in the field and I knew there would be pharmacy battle. They had upwards of 18 months and didn't realize this? One word = fraud. At least their options aren't worth shit.

Totally agree with everything you said except the managers had at least a year and a half to do nothing. You're right a week in the field and I knew there would be pharmacy battle. They had upwards of 18 months and didn't realize this? One word = fraud. At least their options aren't worth shit.

You said it! I have absolutely no respect for any of these slimy crooks. I can agree with the other comments that my manager never once reached out to even one of my physicians or pharmacy and was completely clueless to the types of challenges we would have. They were lazy and arrogant.

You said it! I have absolutely no respect for any of these slimy crooks. I can agree with the other comments that my manager never once reached out to even one of my physicians or pharmacy and was completely clueless to the types of challenges we would have. They were lazy and arrogant.

My manager spent all his time trying to get him slimy little hands on all my records so he could copy them (while I worked for another company). I ignored so many red flags!!!

You said it! I have absolutely no respect for any of these slimy crooks. I can agree with the other comments that my manager never once reached out to even one of my physicians or pharmacy and was completely clueless to the types of challenges we would have. They were lazy and arrogant.

NOT TRUE. The DBMs spent months profiling customers and formlary stuff, so they did know docs and rx

My customers wouldn't even meet with my DBM. So how did he profile them? He called and asked me to set up appointments for him while I worked for another company.

Mine as well, except he didn't leave his house. Some information was cut and pasted from the Internet, but for the most part all the reconnaissance was waiting for everyone in my district on to gather beginning on day one.