Restructuring Idea's...anything goes..straight talk.


Cluster 1 goes through significant change. Cluster 2 might see expansion because of more Eliquis indications, contract obligations, launch of diabetes profile and Chantix/Viagra 2020+ loe's.

I'm going to have to call bullshit on the above post. Eliquis is not bringing in the big bucks so I'm thinking they aren't going to expand cluster 2. I'm sure cluster 1 will have changes like all the other clusters, but I doubt they will be major. You old cardiovascular reps just can't understand that you're not that important to Pfizer anymore. Cluster 1 is pulling in most of the revenue these days so I doubt big changes are in their future.

Cut Vaccine division by 40% and double presentation budgets. Vaccine reps cannot possibly get sales access on limited lunches. Only meet w/ office managers and occasionally nurses. Never sell to doctors on routine basis.

Less DBM's. 1 DBM for 15 to 20 reps is more than sufficient in any division. Dr's are sick and tired of DBM's looking over the rep's shoulder. DBMs are over-paid and provide little to no value.

It's amazing how shallow the brain pool is with Pfizer.

Of course Cluster 1 will have cuts, I'd guess minimum 20%, Pristiq responsibilities will go to AZ exclusively so by cluster 4, Cluster 3 will see little or no change.

IS will see larger cuts min 30%, Vaccines will see a slight increase in headcount.

Oncology, no change.

Totally agree with DBM/Rep numbers changing. I'd say minimum of 15 Reps per DM. Unfortunately, that won't happen. Did you forget about the CIA?

It's amazing how shallow the brain pool is with Pfizer.

Of course Cluster 1 will have cuts, I'd guess minimum 20%, Pristiq responsibilities will go to AZ exclusively so by cluster 4, Cluster 3 will see little or no change.

IS will see larger cuts min 30%, Vaccines will see a slight increase in headcount.

Oncology, no change.

Totally agree with DBM/Rep numbers changing. I'd say minimum of 15 Reps per DM. Unfortunately, that won't happen. Did you forget about the CIA?

I was wondering how shallow it is too but then you go and be just as shallow.

The changes are huge and transformational. It's no longer about reps and territories. It's about the entire organization. The changes begin there and everything will follow as a result.

1 vaccine rep per MSA, period. Turn all orders over to inside sales or GPO contracts. Don't want vaccines stepping on Geno's new divisional primary care toes, now that IS pushed away side

Sell the $50,000 one-way air fare company jets. Make executives fly 1st class. Sell the helicopter and take the train or better yet Facetime into your virtual meeting space for free.

If anyone actually read the emails, they would see that C2 and C3 appear to remain intact moving forward (the womens/mens health group=C3). Bear in mind that C1 was not cut in January, while the old C2 was cut 40% and split into 3 clusters. That should indicate that C1 is due for a RIF, particularly when Celebrex is going to the Value group. Recent vacancies in C2,3, & 4 have been filled with C1 xfers, so if you didn't see this coming... I would venture to guess that a number of C1 reps will be severed, but the skeleton crew that is C4 can't sell Lyrica all by themselves, so there will still be a need for many of those positions, and the customer relationships with orthopedic surgeons will be important when (if?) the DVT indication is added to the E label.

So how would the new PC look?

C1 - Lyrica/E for DVT, any pain meds that might get approved/acquired
C2 - unchanged, will add diabetes meds when approved/acquired
C3 - unchanged, already a small cluster
C4 - rolled into C1

These are all just educated guesses, and I could certainly be wrong. Not sure what the exact % of C1 that will be culled, but I would think no more than 50%, probably 20-40% depending on current manning and market opportunities. JMHO.

This will mark the 8th RIF since 2005. I wish I could say it'll be the last, but I would be shocked and amazed if it were.

Good luck to all, I hope you come through this OK.