Response to ACOG

Would be interesting to see 1099's from Intuitive to surgeons listed in response...LOL. This story is just beginning folks...

Seriously....If I'm not mistaken....looks like the vast majority of these GYN's participate in the EpiCenter Program. Meaning - they ALL make dollar dollar bills from ISRG for hosting out of town guests for case observations. Really guys....get real. Why would they want to stop their gravy train?? What a joke! You don't think that journalists won't uncover this?

I used to doubt the GSR sales team in the past, my GSR hasn’t met any of the GYNs I trained over the last 18 months he has been in the position (however he does take credit for them in his numbers). The GSRs were able to pull off this letter in remarkable time and get these guys to sign on. They must have promised the non-epicenter GYNs that signed will become an “epicenter” by joining the cause. At first glance at this, only a few of these docs are non-epicenter sites. I’m sure they are on the proctoring payroll though…

I’ve been taking a lot of heat in the field, I had a surgeon lined up to train the first week in April and he called today and is backing out…Who else is experiencing resistance?

Intuitive couldn't have made it more obvious that they wrote that letter. They tried to hide it by using their new KOL, Dr Garza, works with their old and favorite KOL, Dr Payne, whose papers are an Intuitive favorite to quote.

Maybe the lamestream media can put the pieces together.

As one of the surgeons that signed that letter I can put some of your conspiracy theories to rest. All of the signees are epicenter surgeons. It is not a Gravy Train. We do get reimbursed for case observation (as do non-epicenter surgeons - we are offering time, energy, teaching and expertise). A day of case observation yields us approximately what we make in 1 hour of surgery. Likely less. Proctoring is a flat fee, but many of us don't proctor, as our practices are too busy. Non-epicenter physicians are also paid for proctoring. You are giving up a whole day of your practice. I certainly don't proctor very often, and then only friends and local referring physicians. I often waive my fee, and have proctored over $90,000 dollars worth for nothing.

The letter was cobbled together from the joint responses of many of us epicenter docs, not written by Intuitive. There must have been 200 emails as the letter evolved over the weekend, with input from all of us.

What would you want your wife to have? Your mother? Just no contest. You'd be a nincompoop to answer vaginal hysterectomy. One is operating blindly at the bottom of a well. The ureters are not visualized, the pedicles are not taken down sequentially or precisely - it's a surgical crap-shoot. Likewise laparoscopic assisted. I believe in robotics because it offers superior safety and superior outcomes. Period.

As one of the surgeons that signed that letter I can put some of your conspiracy theories to rest. All of the signees are epicenter surgeons. It is not a Gravy Train. We do get reimbursed for case observation (as do non-epicenter surgeons - we are offering time, energy, teaching and expertise). A day of case observation yields us approximately what we make in 1 hour of surgery. Likely less. Proctoring is a flat fee, but many of us don't proctor, as our practices are too busy. Non-epicenter physicians are also paid for proctoring. You are giving up a whole day of your practice. I certainly don't proctor very often, and then only friends and local referring physicians. I often waive my fee, and have proctored over $90,000 dollars worth for nothing.

The letter was cobbled together from the joint responses of many of us epicenter docs, not written by Intuitive. There must have been 200 emails as the letter evolved over the weekend, with input from all of us.

What would you want your wife to have? Your mother? Just no contest. You'd be a nincompoop to answer vaginal hysterectomy. One is operating blindly at the bottom of a well. The ureters are not visualized, the pedicles are not taken down sequentially or precisely - it's a surgical crap-shoot. Likewise laparoscopic assisted. I believe in robotics because it offers superior safety and superior outcomes. Period.

Agree with your view on the vaginal approach but not lap. 3 Words on the payroll.

No Dr. Heff, you prefer the Davinci because it's the coolest toy you've ever played with, you get to sit on your ass, and you likely cant suture very well.

You say what I think.

Dr. Heff, you know any honorariums that Intuitive Surgical pays you for any 'work' you do will be public knowledge soon, thanks to the Sunshine Act.
You might not be make a lot of money at your epicenter but when physicians come in house to give their opinion on products, you aren't leaving empty handed. Even your lunch cost and the hundered dollar bottles of wine at dinner will be placed online for the world to see. I can't wait.