

Here's a tip for those of you that are planning on resigning. Don't give a two week notice because you will not be paid. There is no honor and respect as with other companies even if your intentions are perfectly intended. Notification is not honored.
The question should be where did the CEO, CFO, CMO, 3 vps of sales, 3 RSD, 25 reps, dir of marketing, dir of hr, vp hr, dir of training, finance manager, vp quality, 30 pss's, vp international. somehwere along the line, a man has to look in the mirror!
Stop recruiting narcissists

Managing director of career company Lee Hecht Harrison, Bruce Anderson, says arrogance can be a real problem in business.
“I think, when you spend real time out there [in the business world], you come across people who are really full of themselves. They are never wrong and, if they are wrong, it is always someone else’s fault,” he says.

Anderson says success just reinforces these behaviours in people who already have that tendency.

If you are stuck with a boss who is a narcissist, you need to find ways to deal with them if you are going to survive their reign, says Anderson. You will need to reinforce their views to get into a position where you can influence them.

Influencing them will be all about showing how your suggestion will be to their own benefit.

Anderson says that if organisations want to avoid getting corrupt or narcissistic leaders, they will have to stop recruiting for those behaviours. Self belief, aggression, win-at-all-costs and ruthlessness may seem like appropriate characteristics for an ambitious company but, in a leader, it can be despotic.

“Organisations get the people they want,” says Anderson.
The question should be where did the CEO, CFO, CMO, 3 vps of sales, 3 RSD, 25 reps, dir of marketing, dir of hr, vp hr, dir of training, finance manager, vp quality, 30 pss's, vp international. somehwere along the line, a man has to look in the mirror!

If those previous idiots couldn't get it done, then they should be gone. Sales stronger than ever. Something must be working!