Research on pharma product distribution, receive $150 gift card


We are a brand research firm looking for feedback from healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals regarding the experience when patients are diagnosed with a serious medical condition, such as how they obtain their prescriptions from a specialty pharmacy, and how patients and key players (clinicians, specialty pharmacy, pharmaceutical companies, payers) interact with one another while coordinating patient treatment and care to enhance outcomes. If you qualify, you will receive a $150 Amazon Gift Card as a token of appreciation for you participation.

If you are interested in learning if you qualify, please click on the link below and complete a short, 3 minute survey!

Hey now, that's great, because we are all research professionals wondering how the hell you a pulling this crap on CP without the web masters shutting you the F down!
How about we all sell Tupperware, and Mary K and maybe some tastefully simple on this site? Don't we all deserve a free buck or two? Fess up with your specifics, how much you banking off of every "survey" and "interview?"

ha! someone has a CI project due for some competitor in the specialty pharmacy field. Why do they work so hard to conceal who they collect for, and what it is that they actually do with the information they may gather? The answer is because they know if they were up front about what they do, and if they told us honestly who they sell the information to, if they actually disclosed how much money they make by being the deceptive, fast talking middle man, and if they were honest that they take huge advantage off of others intellectual property, for their own greedy profit, they know we would choose not to talk to them.

Lighten up, man. We've all got to make a buck. Don't try to put someone down for being creative in their work. I'd much rather see mr/ms survey post here than stoop to kissing mnmgt's ass like all the other biotech ladder-climbers.

Lighten up, man. We've all got to make a buck. Don't try to put someone down for being creative in their work. I'd much rather see mr/ms survey post here than stoop to kissing mnmgt's ass like all the other biotech ladder-climbers.

ha! Ya rigth, nice try at deflection. Poster three is very likely the same cat that planted the original post this thread. Way to run for cover and try to deflect the creepiness. It's nothing creative about that bracket. Not at all. Unless you call sitting around thinking up a bunch of lies to tell in an effort to appear like Innocent "Joe Public, just asking regular old questions," or spending quality time coming up with bogus surveys like this one. They probably get what they need out of the qualifying survey in order to make sure they never have to pay out the $150 in gift cards. Super Cheap. Theirs is a greedy industry of over-degreed, under employed rip-off/con-artists. Kiss arse aint nothing compared to these tools and the con games they play to trick others into giving them what they need to fill up their reports. Taking all the credit ( and all the cashola) for stuff they ripped off some un knowing CI naive person.

Hey Sarah and CP patrol/monitors: what up with this thread being a direct contradiction to your policies and terms, specifically: "Cafepharma does not allow posts that advertise any goods or services to our members. Additionally, we do not allow businesses to solicit any information from our users through the message boards."
Please post your reply here so we can see it. Thank you.