Research at Lilly

Reading this board "FIPnet" seems a recent development at Lilly and was done in response to a very thin pipeline. Discovery must have been off-course for some years to need this, medicinal chemistry at Lilly must have been weak before FIPnet - how did this happen?

Reading this board "FIPnet" seems a recent development at Lilly and was done in response to a very thin pipeline. Discovery must have been off-course for some years to need this, medicinal chemistry at Lilly must have been weak before FIPnet - how did this happen?

Harvard business school çráp-du-jour, follow the lemmings idiocy. Send your multi-layers of 'leadership' for a weeklong seminar/golf outing. Come back and pretend like you're earning your 7-figure salary by implementing mass-outsourcing. Same idea behing motorola/six sigma, etc. No innovation. No leadership. Follow-the-Failure.

Harvard business school drivel-dú-jour, follow the lemmings idiocy. Send your multi-layers of 'leadership' for a weeklong seminar/golf outing. Come back and pretend like you're earning your 7-figure salary by implementing mass-outsourcing. Same idea behing motorola/six sigma, etc. No innovation. No leadership. Follow-the-Failure.

Lilly is about the only pharma company without a few new drugs from the pipeline over the next few years, sad to say! The whole sector is in for an upswing - except for this company.

Get rid of six sigma and stop FIPNET before it buries us. In the meantime, get your resume ready and prepare for reallocation.