Requesting new manager


I’m some-what new to the sales force and just wondering if anyone has ever been successful with requesting a new manager. Or if micromanaging is par across middle management?


I’m some-what new to the sales force and just wondering if anyone has ever been successful with requesting a new manager. Or if micromanaging is par across middle management?
Any time the idiot sales reps are asked to do anything outside of what you want, you claim that you are being “micromanaged.”

I’m some-what new to the sales force and just wondering if anyone has ever been successful with requesting a new manager. Or if micromanaging is par across middle management?

Yes, just call HR, or, your boss's manager diretl and tell them what is going on... you'll be placed in a safe spot very quickly

I’m some-what new to the sales force and just wondering if anyone has ever been successful with requesting a new manager. Or if micromanaging is par across middle management?

you’re new and getting a bit of extra attention and coke crying for a new manager now? What kind of babies are we hiring?

Ive been in pharma over twenty years and had countless managers. From hands off to extreme high touch. I can honestly say...even the worst managers can only make this job somewhat uncomfortable. Most forget what it is like in the real world due to being so damn comfy in these roles.

My advice, learn from it, you can learn what not to do from poor managers...this isn't the protected halls of college, you are going to have a lot of bad managers in your career, need to focus on what you can learn from each experience about leadership

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