I am currently working on a project that examines mail order prescription programs in the pharma industry. Does anyone have any insights on mail order programs for specific products. Specifically, I am interested in:
- When was Mail Order first made available to this product?
- What were the objectives to make the product available for Mail Order? What was the strategy?
- How successful has the program been? What was the impact to sales?
- Which mail order pharmacies did the product partner with, and why?
- What key promotional initiatives were implemented to actively promote the availability of product through mail order?
- What key internal organizational barriers have the product faced from a mail order perspective?
Thanks so much in advance for everyone's help.
I am currently working on a project that examines mail order prescription programs in the pharma industry. Does anyone have any insights on mail order programs for specific products. Specifically, I am interested in:
- When was Mail Order first made available to this product?
- What were the objectives to make the product available for Mail Order? What was the strategy?
- How successful has the program been? What was the impact to sales?
- Which mail order pharmacies did the product partner with, and why?
- What key promotional initiatives were implemented to actively promote the availability of product through mail order?
- What key internal organizational barriers have the product faced from a mail order perspective?
Thanks so much in advance for everyone's help.