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Republicans now question Purple Heart recipient's loyalty to US


Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman is a decorated combat veteran whose career in the armed services spanned more than two decades. Republicans are now trying to paint Vindman as having dual loyalty to Ukraine, the country he emigrated to the United States from as a small child.


Just heard that they’re cutting the power again, possibly for days in parts of Northern California. So just how are you supposed to charge that electric car again? Days, now! If you need to use your ecar on a regular basis AND have it ready to escape a fire if necessary how do you flee a fire with no way to charge your car?


You silly fools! And you’re still putting carbon into the atmosphere unless the electricity is coming from nukes!


You fools are doubly stupid!

Just heard that they’re cutting the power again, possibly for days in parts of Northern California. So just how are you supposed to charge that electric car again? Days, now! If you need to use your ecar on a regular basis AND have it ready to escape a fire if necessary how do you flee a fire with no way to charge your car?


You silly fools! And you’re still putting carbon into the atmosphere unless the electricity is coming from nukes!


You fools are doubly stupid!

Off topic but I'll answer. We have an e car AND a gas powered car so there you go. Next car will be a hybrid. Last month in AZ we drove a hybrid and got 400 miles on a tank of gas. :cool:

Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman is a decorated combat veteran whose career in the armed services spanned more than two decades. Republicans are now trying to paint Vindman as having dual loyalty to Ukraine, the country he emigrated to the United States from as a small child.

Who cares? He’s a brown- nosing bureaucrat now.

Off topic but I'll answer. We have an e car AND a gas powered car so there you go. Next car will be a hybrid. Last month in AZ we drove a hybrid and got 400 miles on a tank of gas. :cool:

Yessirree……… electric is the way of the future. When is the last time you knuckle draggers wound a watch? Hunh? They're ALL electric now. In the meantime, V nailed it, the combo hybrid is the way to go. Either that, or like he says, one gas and one electric or the 2 car families. Eventually, like watches, it will be all battery powered but until those new long lasting batteries are developed, hybrid is your best single car OR one of each as our board CEO (V) has advised. Have a good week sports fans. :)

Yessirree……… electric is the way of the future. When is the last time you knuckle draggers wound a watch? Hunh? They're ALL electric now. In the meantime, V nailed it, the combo hybrid is the way to go. Either that, or like he says, one gas and one electric or the 2 car families. Eventually, like watches, it will be all battery powered but until those new long lasting batteries are developed, hybrid is your best single car OR one of each as our board CEO (V) has advised. Have a good week sports fans. :)

Correct !!! ;)

Correct !!! ;)

Jordan's lame query gets shot down leaving him with egg on his face.

National Security Council official Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman brought his receipts to Tuesday’s impeachment hearings when Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) attempted to question Vindman’s judgment, reading aloud a recent employment evaluation describing him as “brilliant.” Referencing the previous testimony of NSC official Tim Morrison, Jordan noted that Morrison claimed he and others raised concerns about Vindman’s judgment and believed he may have leaked info to the press.

“Your former boss, Dr. [Fiona] Hill, had concerns about your judgment,” Jordan added. “Your colleagues had concerns about your judgment and your colleagues felt that there were times when you leaked information. Any idea why they have those impressions, Colonel Vindman?” Vindman, meanwhile, pulled out the last performance evaluation that Hill had given him, dated this past July.

“Alex is a top 1% military officer and the best Army officer I have worked with in my 15 years of government service,” Vindman read from the document. “‘He is brilliant, unflappable, and exercises excellent judgment’—I’m sorry—‘Was exemplary during numerous visits,’ so forth and so on. I think you get the idea.”

As for Morrison’s remarks, Vindman stated that they had only recently started working together and that Morrison hadn’t been there very long and it could have been a clash of cultures.

Jordan, seemingly a bit shaken, quickly moved on to asking Vindman if he ever leaked information, something the veteran denied.

Both parties, as we once knew them, are DOA now. :cool:

Holy shit! I actually agree with on this one. Yes, America is doomed. The two party system doesn’t work any longer. Too much corruption, too many professional politicians selling their
influence to too many domestic and foreign private interests, a more political military than it is now, open borders,....

Our kids and their kids are facing a whole new world and country.

Jordan's lame query gets shot down leaving him with egg on his face.

National Security Council official Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman brought his receipts to Tuesday’s impeachment hearings when Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) attempted to question Vindman’s judgment, reading aloud a recent employment evaluation describing him as “brilliant.” Referencing the previous testimony of NSC official Tim Morrison, Jordan noted that Morrison claimed he and others raised concerns about Vindman’s judgment and believed he may have leaked info to the press.

“Your former boss, Dr. [Fiona] Hill, had concerns about your judgment,” Jordan added. “Your colleagues had concerns about your judgment and your colleagues felt that there were times when you leaked information. Any idea why they have those impressions, Colonel Vindman?” Vindman, meanwhile, pulled out the last performance evaluation that Hill had given him, dated this past July.

“Alex is a top 1% military officer and the best Army officer I have worked with in my 15 years of government service,” Vindman read from the document. “‘He is brilliant, unflappable, and exercises excellent judgment’—I’m sorry—‘Was exemplary during numerous visits,’ so forth and so on. I think you get the idea.”

As for Morrison’s remarks, Vindman stated that they had only recently started working together and that Morrison hadn’t been there very long and it could have been a clash of cultures.

Jordan, seemingly a bit shaken, quickly moved on to asking Vindman if he ever leaked information, something the veteran denied.

Put down the crack pipe! Jordan won that hands down!