Republicans don't even know who makes the iPHONE


These guys are a barrel of laughs ;)
Sadly these idiots are running this company. I say get rid of the electoral college and give votes to states based on population. Also 2 senators per state is the reason we live in this kind of sh$$ show! Why do California and New YOrk only get 2 senators and S Dakota and Iowa get 2??? The deplorables are running this country into the ground voting reality faux 'successful businessmen' into office. How the hell do you bankrupt a casino??????

Sadly these idiots are running this company. I say get rid of the electoral college and give votes to states based on population. Also 2 senators per state is the reason we live in this kind of sh$$ show! Why do California and New YOrk only get 2 senators and S Dakota and Iowa get 2??? The deplorables are running this country into the ground voting reality faux 'successful businessmen' into office. How the hell do you bankrupt a casino??????

As usual all you have is ignorant and arrogant blather.

If you don’t like the country that our genius founders created for us, then I suggest you leave ASAP!

Part of the genius of our system is having two legislative bodies - one with equal representation and one with proportional representation.

As far as your casino crack is concerned, all you do is expose your ignorance! Lots of people other than Trump went bankrupt when the casino business in Atlantic City went belly up.

The truth is that the “deplorables” are just way smarter than you are! :p

As usual all you have is ignorant and arrogant blather.

If you don’t like the country that our genius founders created for us, then I suggest you leave ASAP!

Part of the genius of our system is having two legislative bodies - one with equal representation and one with proportional representation.

As far as your casino crack is concerned, all you do is expose your ignorance! Lots of people other than Trump went bankrupt when the casino business in Atlantic City went belly up.

The truth is that the “deplorables” are just way smarter than you are! :p

But only Trump went BK six times idiot. :cool:

But only Trump went BK six times idiot. :cool:

You are so stupid.
How many times did GM threaten bankruptcy and would be out of business we’re it not for taxpayer bailouts?
Bankruptcy is a sound business strategy when things go south for a company or a person for that matter.
Of course, this is all beyond your level of intelligence and business acumen.

Sadly these idiots are running this company. I say get rid of the electoral college and give votes to states based on population. Also 2 senators per state is the reason we live in this kind of sh$$ show! Why do California and New YOrk only get 2 senators and S Dakota and Iowa get 2??? The deplorables are running this country into the ground voting reality faux 'successful businessmen' into office. How the hell do you bankrupt a casino??????

Because this country is built on equality. CA should have one because half the state is populated by non- citizens who pay no taxes and should not benefit from
anything paid for with tax dollars, including the representation of a US senator.

Because this country is built on equality. CA should have one because half the state is populated by non- citizens who pay no taxes and should not benefit from
anything paid for with tax dollars, including the representation of a US senator.

LOL, we pay 40% more Fed income tax than the next nearest state - Texas. How is that possible if half the state isn't working? Actually, North & South Dakota should only have 1 vote each because the farmers' girlfriends don't even speak English, they just go, 'Baaaa baaa baaa!" :p

You are so stupid.
How many times did GM threaten bankruptcy and would be out of business we’re it not for taxpayer bailouts?
Bankruptcy is a sound business strategy when things go south for a company or a person for that matter.
Of course, this is all beyond your level of intelligence and business acumen.

I agree with you about everything but one item. He’s an idiot, a moron