Reptrax liability?


A nurse I work with contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome as a result of a flu shot last year. She was paralyzed from the waist down for three months and still has lingering paralysis in her foot. Given that Reptrax is spearheading a flu shot mandate on the reps, would they be held liable should a rep experience a bad side effect?

A nurse I work with contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome as a result of a flu shot last year. She was paralyzed from the waist down for three months and still has lingering paralysis in her foot. Given that Reptrax is spearheading a flu shot mandate on the reps, would they be held liable should a rep experience a bad side effect?

Good fucking question!!

The CDC would have to find that the actual rate of GBS for that year was significantly different from the normal or expected rate. Only then would someone be liable and I suspect that would be the vaccine manufacturer. Keep in mind a flu epidemic is a much more realistic threat than GBS...